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Stored procedures
ArrayToCSV (Function)
In french: TableauVersCSV
Converts a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array into a character string in CSV format.
Remark: This function can only be used on WLanguage arrays.
// One-dimensional array
sMyValues is string
// Initial array
MyArray is array of 3 strings
MyArray[1] = "A"
MyArray[2] = "B"
MyArray[3] = "C"
sMyValues = ArrayToCSV(MyArray)
// sMyValues contains: "A" + CR + "B" + CR + "C"
// Two-dimensional array
sMyValues is string
// Initial array
MyArray is array of 2 by 3 strings
MyArray[1,1] = "A"; MyArray[1,2] = "B"
MyArray[1,3] = "C"; MyArray[2,1] = "D"
MyArray[2,2] = "E"; MyArray[2,3] = "F"
sMyValues = ArrayToCSV(MyArray)
// sMyValues contains: "A;B;C"+CR+"D;E;F"
<Result> = ArrayToCSV(<WLanguage array> [, <Column separator>])
<Result>: Character string
Character string containing the different values found in the array.
For a one-dimensional array, the array elements are converted into character string and added into the string while being separated by CR characters (Carriage Return).
For a two-dimensional array, the array elements are converted into character string and added into the string. The rows are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return) and the columns are separated by <Column separator>.
<WLanguage array>: Array variable
Name of one-dimensional or two-dimensional array that will be converted into character string. This array must be created.
<Column separator>: Optional character string
Separator used to separate the values of different columns. The column separator used by default is ";".
  • The separator used in the <Result> to separates the values found on different lines is CR (Carriage Return).
  • The structure arrays supported are the one-dimensional arrays only.
  • The arrays containing UNICODE strings or variants are not supported.
  • For the Duration type, the value is converted into thousands of a second.
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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