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Stored procedures
OBEXGetFile (Function)
In french: OBEXRécupèreFichier
Retrieves a file from a device that supports the OBEX protocol.
Remark: This function cannot be used if the transfer is performed by infrared.
<Result> = OBEXGetFile(<Identifier of OBEX connection> , <Remote file path> [, <Local file path>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the transfer was successful,
  • False otherwise. ErrorInfo returns more information on the error.
<Identifier of OBEX connection>: Integer
Identifier of the OBEX connection to use. This identifier is returned by OBEXConnect.
<Remote file path>: Character string
Name and path of the file to retrieve on the remote device.

Remark: On a Mobile, you can specify a directory in the Bluetooth parameters. This directory corresponds to the root of the OBEX tree structure (which means the "\" directory given by OBEXListFile).
<Local file path>: Optional character string
Full path where the file will be copied. If this parameter is not specified, the file is created with the same name in the current directory.
Only the Microsoft bluetooth stacks are supported by this function. To get the stack used, call BTStack.
For more details, see Which stacks to use?
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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