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Stored procedures
MenuInsertOption (Function)
In french: MenuInsèreOption
Inserts a new option at a specific position. This menu option runs a procedure passed in parameter.
To add a menu option at the end of a menu, use MenuAddOption.
// Insert an option into the new menu
MenuInsertOption("MNU_Schedule", "MNU_Consult", "MNU_Create", "Create", Create_Schedule)
// Associate an image with the menu option
{"MNU_Create", indControl}..Image = "See.png"

Inserting a menu option (position defined by a menu option) Hide the details

<Result> = MenuInsertOption(<Source menu> , <Insertion option> , <Option to create> , <Caption> , <WLanguage procedure> [, <Procedure parameter>])
<Result>: Integer
Position of the option in the menu. A fatal error occurs if the menu option was not inserted.
<Source menu>: Menu name
Name of the menu where the menu option must be created and added. The menu option will be added at the end of this menu.
<Insertion option>: Character string
Name of the menu option used as base position for the insertion. The new menu option will be inserted before this position.
<Option to create>: Character string
Name of the menu option to create and to insert. This name will be used to programmatically handle the menu option. If there is an option with the same name, a fatal error occurs.
<Caption>: Character string
Text of the new menu option. This caption will be displayed in the window and it will allow the user to select the option.
<WLanguage procedure>: Procedure name
Name of the WLanguage procedure called when the menu option is selected.
<Procedure parameter>: Optional variant
Parameter that can be passed to <WLanguage procedure> when the menu option is selected by the user.

Inserting a menu option (position defined by a subscript) Hide the details

<Result> = MenuInsertOption(<Source menu> , <Insertion position> , <Option to create> , <Caption> , <WLanguage procedure> [, <Procedure parameter>])
<Result>: Integer
Position of the option in the menu. A fatal error occurs if the menu option was not inserted.
<Source menu>: Menu name
Name of the menu where the menu option must be created and inserted. The menu option will be added at the end of this menu.
<Insertion position>: Integer
Subscript of the menu option used as base position for the insertion. The new menu option will be inserted before this position.
<Option to create>: Character string
Name of the menu option to create and to insert. This name will be used to programmatically handle the menu option. If there is an option with the same name, a fatal error occurs.
<Caption>: Character string
Text of the new menu option. This caption will be displayed in the window and it will allow the user to select the option.
<WLanguage procedure>: Procedure name
Name of the WLanguage procedure called when the menu option is selected.
<Procedure parameter>: Optional variant
Parameter that can be passed to <WLanguage procedure> when the menu option is selected by the user.
To associate an image with a menu option, use the Image property.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 04/06/2023

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