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Stored procedures
Selects one or more cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetSelectPlus(PSHEET_Spreadsheet, "A2", "B5")
SpreadsheetStyleSelection(PSHEET_Spreadsheet, psheetBackgroundColor, LightRed)
// Select a range of cells to merge them
SpreadsheetSelectPlus(PSHEET_Spreadsheet, "B1", "D1")
// Merge the cells
AAFExecute(PSHEET_Spreadsheet, aafSpreadsheetMerge)
SpreadsheetSelectPlus(<Spreadsheet control> [, <Start cell> [, <End cell>]])
<Spreadsheet control>: Control name
Name of the Spreadsheet control to be used.
<Start cell>: Optional character string
Name of the cell to select. This parameter has the following syntax: <Column letter><Row number>. For example: "A32".
If this parameter corresponds:
  • to the name of a column ("A" for example), the specified column is entirely selected.
  • to the number of a row ("2" for example), the specified row is entirely selected.
  • to an empty string (""), all the cells found in the Spreadsheet control are selected.
If this parameter is not specified, all the cells as well as the row and column headers are selected.
If <End cell> is specified, <Start cell> corresponds to the first cell to be selected in a range of cells.
If <End cell> is not specified, only <Start cell> is selected.
<End cell>: Optional character string
Name of the cell corresponding to the end of the range of cells to select. This parameter has the following syntax: <Column letter><Row number>. For example: "A32".
If this parameter is not specified, only <Start Cell> is selected.
If <End cell> corresponds to a cell positioned before <Start cell>, the coordinates are reversed and the selection is performed.
  • The selection performed is added to the current selection.
  • The selection is handled by SpreadsheetBorderSelection, SpreadsheetTypeAndMaskSelection, SpreadsheetStyleSelection. You can also use AAFExecute (for example, with the aafSpreadsheetMerge constant to merge the selected cells).
  • To select a single cell and to deselect the other ones, use the following syntax:
    PSHEET_Spreadsheet = "A3"
  • This function can only be used on a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
Related Examples:
The Spreadsheet control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Spreadsheet control
[ + ] Using the Spreadsheet control.
This example explains how to:
- load an xlsx file in a spreadsheet control,
- save the spreadsheet in a file,
- fill the control with data coming from the database,
- insert rows, columns,
- access the cells and handle them (modify their value, their style, ...),
- enter formulas,
- ...
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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