PanelAttach (Function) In french: PanneauAttache Attaches or changes the attach position of a Dockable Panel control.
PanelAttach(PADO_Gauche, dopaLeft)
PanelAttach(PADO_Droite, dopaTop + dopaRight)
PanelAttach(PADO_Detail, dopaRight)
PanelAttach(PADO_Infos, dopaRight)
PanelAttach(<Dockable Panel control> [, <Reference Panel control>] [, <Position>])
<Dockable Panel control>: Control name Name of the Dockable Panel control to use. <Reference Panel control>: Optional control name Name of the Dockable Panel control to be used as reference. If this parameter is specified: - the position set with the <Position> parameter will be relative to this control.
- if the <Position> parameter is not specified, <Dockable Panel control> will be positioned in the same tab as <Reference Panel control>.
<Position>: Optional String constant (or combination of constants) Describes the position where the Dockable Panel control should be attached: | | dopaBottom | Attaches the Dockable Panel control to the bottom. | dopaLeft | Attaches the Dockable Panel control to the left. | dopaRight | Attaches the Dockable Panel control to the right. | dopaTop | Attaches the Dockable Panel control to the top. |
The constants can be combined in pairs, where a constant gives the Left/Right position and another gives the Bottom/Top position. If this parameter is not specified and the control is a Dockable Panel control, it is attached to its last known position. If the position is already occupied, the Dockable Panel control is added to the area and a pane is automatically created and displayed. Remarks - The position of the Dockable Panel control can be known using PanelPosition.
- PanelAttach causes a non-fatal error if the position is invalid.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
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