- Overview
- Characteristics of the columns of a Table control in a page
- Sortable column (AJAX mode only)
- Search column (magnifying glass): (Ajax mode only)
- Adjustable column (AJAX mode only)
- Calculated columns and Check Box columns in Table controls with in-memory data source
- Specific features of the Table control columns in a page
- Columns of type "List of values"
- Actions in the columns of a Table control
- Link column (Table control displayed in a page)
- Creating the Link columns
- Action
- Target
Characteristics of the columns of a Table control in a page
The columns are used to display information in a Table control. The same type of information is displayed in the same column. The following types of data can be displayed in a column found in a Table control: | | - Text
- Currency
- Time
- Currency + Euro
- Check Box (AJAX Tables only)
- Numeric/High-precision numeric
| - Date
- List of values (in AJAX, the list of values are combo boxes)
- Duration
- Image (AJAX Tables only)
- Container
Specific characteristics can be configured for each type of column. The programming of each type of column corresponds to the programming of the corresponding control. The following paragraphs present the main characteristics of the columns in a Table control, available in a page regardless of the column type. Some options are available for AJAX tables only. Characteristics of the columns of a Table control in a page Most characteristics of the columns found in a Table control are configured in the "General" tab of the characteristics of each column. Sortable column (AJAX mode only) The user will be able to sort the column via a click performed on its header. This option is available: - for all the columns in a Table control populated programmatically.
- for some columns in the Table control based on a data file (only columns based on key items and without filter).
![](https://help.windev.com/en-US/images/image.awp?langid=3&name=IconeCroissant.gif&905669450) and ![](https://help.windev.com/en-US/images/image.awp?langid=3&name=IconeDecroissant.gif&-391333389) allow you to know the sort direction of the column at any time. Programming: Sorting can also be programmed using the:
| | TableSort | Allows you to sort a Table control on one or more columns |
Search column (magnifying glass): (Ajax mode only) The user will be able to perform a search in the column of the Table control. Two methods are available: - The user types the sought word directly. This search is automatically performed in the sorted column.
- Clicking a column header with a search icon opens an edit control. The user will only have to type the sought word.
The search is available: - for all the columns in a Table control populated programmatically.
- for the columns of Table controls based on a data file with automatic iteration (only sortable columns based on key items, and without filter).
Attention: Search is not available: - for items associated with a multi-file link.
- for the Table controls that use a non-proportional scrollbar ("Proportional scrollbar" unchecked in the "Details" tab of the control description window).
Programming: The search can be programmed using the:
| | TableSearch | Searches for a value in a column of a Table or TreeView Table control based on a data file or populated programmatically. | TableSearchChild | Searches for a value in a column of a TreeView Table control, in a specified branch. |
Adjustable column (AJAX mode only) Columns can be resized: users can manipulate the size of columns. Programming: Column sizes can be adjusted using the TableAdjust function. Calculated columns and Check Box columns in Table controls with in-memory data source In a Table based on a data file field, it is possible to create calculated columns: these columns are not linked to a data file.. These columns can display a calculation, for example, ... "Check Box" columns in a Table control with in-memory data source are specific calculated columns. When scrolling through the control, checked boxes keep their selected state. Specific features of the Table control columns in a page Link column (Table control displayed in a page)