Help / WINDEV concepts / Part 1 - Main concepts
  • Overview
  • Creating the project
  • Dashboard and project elements
  • Dashboard
  • Project elements
  • Operations performed on a project
  • Technical documentation of the project
  • Type of technical documentation
  • Print areas
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
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Stored procedures
2. Projects in practice
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The first step to create an application consists in creating a project.
When creating a project, you will be asked multiple questions so that your project meets all your expectations. All project characteristics specified when creating the project can be modified later.
Note: Analyses are presented in detail in Analysis: database structure.
Creating the project
To create a project:
  1. Click Create an element in the WINDEV quick access buttons. In the window that appears, click "Project". The project creation wizard opens.
  2. Choose the type of project you want create (e.g. "Windows or Linux application").
    There are multiple options: application, component, Java application, etc. These options will be presented later. In most cases, a project is used to generate an application (executable).
  3. Select the desired style book. This style book will be available by default when creating a window or report, and will be applied to all new controls. This option can be modified in the project description window ("Style" tab).
  4. Go to the next step.
  5. Specify the project name and location. These options cannot be modified. In WINDEV, the project corresponds to a ".WDP" file. This file can be opened by WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile. For more details, see Common project.
    All the objects associated with the project will be created in the specified directory.
  6. Finish the wizard. The created project becomes the current project. It contains a specific configuration that corresponds to the type of project you created.
Once a project has been created, you can:
  • change the project configuration options. For more details, see Project configuration.
  • associate one or more documents with the project. These documents can be text files, images, scanned documents, etc. For more details, see Associating documents with the project.
  • associate one or more analyses with the project. For more details, see Project analysis.
  • integrate the project into the Source Code Manager (SCM). The Source Code Manager simplifies teamwork, but can also be helpful for individual work.
  • define a code style. The code style is a programming standard that can be applied across the entire application. This standard is used to prefix the different project elements, variables, etc. For more details, see Code style.
  • specify the languages supported by the project. These languages will be available by default when translating text from an element (control, window, page, report, etc.). For more details, see Multilingual project.
Note: All the information provided can be modified in the project description. To open the project description window, go to the "Project" tab, "Project" group and click "Description".
Dashboard and project elements


All project managers seek to have a global and synthetic vision of the progress status of the projects they lead.
The QA manager wants to know the number of bugs and their priority, and follow up their status.
The product manager would like to know what new features are requested by the users.
The developer wants to quickly access the most frequently used project elements, sections of code, etc.
The dashboard meets all these requirements. Additionally, it contains different indicators or "Widgets". Users can add, remove or even resize these widgets.
You can also display the project statistics (e.g., the number of windows), the results of different audits (static audit, dynamic audit, etc.)
To open the dashboard of your project:
  1. In the open document tabs, open the context menu of the "P" ("Project") icon.
  2. Select "Display dashboard".
For more details, see Project dashboard.

Project elements

The project includes windows, reports, queries, sets of procedures, etc.
To know the list of elements of a project, on the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "List of elements".
This option is used to:
  • add to your project elements belonging to projects that can be accessed from your computer. The corresponding files will not be moved to the directory of your project.
  • delete elements from your project. The corresponding files are not physically deleted.
To quickly find an element in your project, press "Ctrl + E" from any editor.
Operations performed on a project
Let's see the main operations that can be performed on a project:
Technical documentation of the project
WINDEV allows you to print different technical documentations describing all the elements of the project (windows, reports, data files, items, etc.). To print the technical documentation:
  • on the "Home" tab, in the "General" group, expand and select "Print project technical documentation". The technical documentation can contain all the characteristics of the project.
  • on the "Home" tab, in the "General" group, click . In this case, the technical documentation will contain only the details of the current element (window, report, query, etc.).

Type of technical documentation

There are different types of technical documentation:
  • Basic: Contains basic information about the elements of the project.
  • Code: Contains the code of all the project objects and procedures.
  • Complete: Contains all the information about the project. This type of technical documentation can be very extensive.
  • Custom: Contains manually selected information.
Generating the technical documentation
The technical documentation can be printed on the selected printer. The technical documentation is generated and displayed in the report viewer. You can:
  • start the print job,
  • export the technical documentation as PDF (via the "Export" tab of the report viewer).
For more details, see Print technical documentation.

Print areas

If graphical representations (LDM, UML diagrams, etc.) must be printed, the print areas must be set before printing the technical documentation.
To specify the print areas of the current graphic representation:
  1. Display the print areas in the current editor. For example, in the data model editor, go to the "Display" tab, "Help for edit" group, and check "Print areas".
  2. A series of borders that represent the printable areas in the documentation will appear in the current editor.
  3. Reduce the graphic representation (change the value in the combo box with a percentage in the "Display" pane, or use the Ctrl + Mouse wheel shortcut) to see the entire graph.
  4. With the mouse:
    • move these borders to the desired location by keeping the mouse button down (the mouse cursor is black).
    • choose the number of pages on which the graphic representation must be printed (the mouse cursor turns into a North-West/South-East double arrow).
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Last update: 01/07/2025

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