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6. Internal window
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The Internal Window control is used to include a window (and its code) in another window. At runtime, the internal window will be dynamically merged with the host window.
1. Creating an internal window.
To create an internal window:
  • Click Create an element in the quick access buttons.
  • In the window that appears, click "Window", then "Internal window".
An internal window is a specific window that has no title bar or menu. All types of controls can be used in this window.
In the example, an internal window is used to select files.
Creating an internal window
2. Using an internal window.
To use an internal window:
  • Create an Internal Window control.
  • In the control description window, select the internal window to use.
  • Validate the control description window.
Using an internal window
  • The internal window used in the "Internal Window" control can be modified programmatically.
  • Limitations: The work area is rectangular and does not support overrides. To perform overrides, it is recommended to use control templates.
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Last update: 09/19/2024

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