The Internal Window control is used to include a window (and its code) in another window. At runtime, the internal window will be dynamically merged with the host window. | | 1. Creating an internal window. To create an internal window: - Click
in the quick access buttons. - In the window that appears, click "Window", then "Internal window".
| An internal window is a specific window that has no title bar or menu.
All types of controls can be used in this window. In the example, an internal window is used to select files. | |
| | 2. Using an internal window. | To use an internal window:- Create an Internal Window control.
- In the control description window, select the internal window to use.
- Validate the control description window.
| | Remarks:- The internal window used in the "Internal Window" control can be modified programmatically.
- Limitations: The work area is rectangular and does not support overrides. To perform overrides, it is recommended to use control templates.