9. Types of standard controls
WINDEV includes different types of controls. Let's see how to use them according to the operation to perform: | | In order to... | Use the following control... |
Display text, titles, etc. | Static | Read a PDF file | PDF Reader | Display and edit a Word document. | Word Processing | Select a value from a list (country, city, color, etc.)
| Radio Button, Combo Box, List Box | Select multiple values from a list (message recipients, etc.) | Check Box, List Box | Select one or more values from a ListView (picture directory, etc.) | ListView | Select a value in a preset range. | Slider, Round Slider, Spin, Range Slider | Select a date. | Calendar | Display an image (photo, etc.), an animation or use drawing functions. | Image | Display the contents of a data file in a table (list of customers, order details, etc.).
| Table | Show the same controls multiple times in a window (e.g. product catalog with images, etc.)
| Looper | Display a video or animation. | Web Camera Multimedia Conference | Enter information. | Edit control | Program an action in a window (display another window, start a print job, etc.). | Button | Display information in a hierarchy (directory).
| TreeView TreeView Table | Display a column chart, a line chart, a pie chart, etc.
| Chart | Display a progress. | Progress Bar | Group the controls by theme and display the themes one by one. | Tab Sidebar Drawer | Display a bar code. | Bar Code | Display events over a period of time.
| Organizer | Create statistical tables.
| Pivot Table Spreadsheet | Represent weighted data.
| TreeMap | Display important elements in a dashboard.
| Dashboard | Display HTML data.
| HTML Display control | Enter HTML data. | HTML Editor control | Select intervals or change zoom. | Range Slider | Display a map or an itinerary.
| Map | Edit an image. | Image editor | Display an ActiveX control. | ActiveX | Display events over a period of time | Kanban |