Help / WINDEV concepts / Part 2 - Development environment
  • Overview
  • Operating mode of the Source Code Manager
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8. Source Code Manager (SCM)
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To simplify teamwork, WINDEV includes a Source Code Manager. The Source Code Manager allows developers to work together on the same project at the same time and share elements between multiple projects.
A repository contains a collection of project elements. Each computer has a local copy of the elements required for development
A repository contains a collection of project elements. Each computer has a local copy of the elements required for development
Elements in the SCM can be shared:
Operating mode of the Source Code Manager
The following example presents the Source Code Manager:
A project element (window, report, etc.) can only be checked out by one developer at a time.
Once the checked out elements are modified, they must be checked back in so that the source project can take the changes into account. The repository stores a history of all the project elements since they were created.
Each time an element is checked back in, the version number of the source project is incremented by 1.
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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