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  • Creating the executable file of a WINDEV application
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15. Creating the executable in practice
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When your application is complete (windows, reports, etc.), you must create the corresponding executable file.
The executable program (".EXE" file) can be run directly: there is no need to start the application from WINDEV.
Once the executable file has been created, the application can be deployed on the end-user computers via the setup program
Creating the executable file of a WINDEV application
To create the executable file:
  1. Select (if necessary) the project configuration that corresponds to the executable to be created:
    • Project configuration for a 32-bit Windows executable file.
    • Project configuration for a 64-bit Windows executable file.
    • Project configuration for a Linux executable.
  2. On the "Project" tab, in the "Generation" group, click "Generate".
  3. The executable creation wizard starts.
  4. Specify:
    • the general options of the executable (executable name, icon of the executable file, splash screen, etc.).
    • the operating mode of the executable:
      • Multi-instance: This program can be launched several times from the same computer, which will open multiple simultaneous instances.
      • Single-instance: The program can be launched only once from the same computer. This means there can be only one single instance open at any given time. If the user tries to launch another instance of the program, the current instance will be used.
    • how the library will be used. The library is optional. It can be created in a separate file (".WDL" extension) or included in the executable.
      The advantage of including the library in the executable file is that you only need to install or update one file. However, this would increase the size of the ".EXE" file.
    • the error message that will be displayed if a programming error occurs.
    • if the telemetry will be enabled. Telemetry allows you to get information on how your application is being used.
    • the use of patches for updates. In this case, you just have to copy the patch file to the executable directory.
    • the languages supported by the executable.
    • the files to be included in the library (if it is used).
    • whether the components used in the project are included in the executable.
    • the location of the User Groupware data files (if the application uses the User Groupware)
    • the location of the data files that will be used by the executable.
    • the version information. This information will be available in the "Version" tab of the executable properties window (accessible in the Windows explorer). The version number can be automatically incremented each time the executable is created.
    • the mode for using the WINDEV framework (framework specific to the application or common to all WINDEV applications installed on the computer).
    • the manifest to use (for an execution on Windows Vista and later only).
    • whether a project backup must be created.
  5. Validate the executable description. The executable is automatically generated based on this information. The executable can be directly run once it has been created.
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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