Help / WINDEV concepts / Part 3 - Databases
  • Control - item binding
  • Control - variable binding
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8. Binding controls to data
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A window can display information from:
  • a database: Controls are directly bound to the items in the data files or queries available in the database.
  • variables in the application's WLanguage code (variables global to the window or to the project or parameters passed to the window).
To display information in a window, the controls in the window must be bound to:
  • the different items in the database.
  • the available WLanguage variables.
There are multiple methods to display and update values from a data source:
  • The binding between a control and an item or variable can be defined in the window editor, in the control description ("Binding" tab).
  • ScreenToFile updates the record or the variable with the values from the UI.
  • FileToScreen updates the data in the UI with the values from the data file or variable.
Control - item binding
Control - item binding
Control - variable binding
Control - variable binding
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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