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10. UMC: User Macro-Code
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The User Macro-Code (UMC) allows end users to enter their own WLanguage code and include it in an existing application.
Let's consider the following case:
A window for entering a customer form requires an email address but it does not check its format. The user wants to check if the "@" character is in the address.
An icon at the top of the window
allows the user to customize the processes.
The UMC configuration window is displayed.
The user can add a new action in the window.
In this case, the user wants to check the email address.
The user types the WLanguage code.
The WLanguage help can be started
with F1.

To enable this feature (which is disabled by default), simply specify that the project supports the UMC:
  • in the project description,
  • when creating the executable.
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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