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2. Examples provided with WINDEV
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The examples provided with WINDEV are intended to help you learn the features of WINDEV.
Their source code is clear and includes comments.
WINDEV is provided with multiple examples:
  • Full examples: These examples correspond to full applications, which can be used without any adaptation.
  • Training examples: these examples illustrate a specific feature.
These examples can be opened directly from the WINDEV home window:
  • If the example is not installed on the computer, it will be automatically downloaded (from a PC SOFT server) and opened.
  • If the example is installed on the computer, a copy is automatically created in "My projects\My examples".
The open example corresponds to the copy of the original example. This allows you to work or make changes to this copy. The original example can be kept unchanged. Every time you open the example (via the "Open an example" option), you can work on the copy or on the original version.
Let's see the features of some examples provided with WINDEV.
Full examples
WBSetupThis example can be used o create customize the setup by physical media of a WEBDEV site or WebService.
To edit the project, WINDEV must be installed on the computer.
The generated executable can be specified as installer in the wizard for creating the setup of a site or WebService.  

WD File SynchronizationThis example is used to synchronize two file directories in WLanguage. After the synchronization, the destination directory and the source directory are identical. The comparison is based on the presence and on the date of the files. This can be very useful to manage the backups.
In this example, we will present the functions for handling the files on disk.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
Select a source directory containing the files to save and a destination directory where these files will be saved. Start the synchronization. The application will compare the content of the two directories. If the file is not found, if the source file is more recent, then the file will be updated in the backup directory.

WD FTP File TransferWD FTP file transfer

This example is a full FTP client allowing you to store several FTP servers. Then, you have the ability to perform multi-file transfers from the local computer to the server or from the FTP server to the local computer. To do so, we are using the standard functions of WLanguage (FTPConnect, etc...)
WD GanttThe "WD Gantt" example presents an advanced use of the Gantt Chart control.
This example is used to create a Gantt chart with tasks, links, cumulative tasks and milestones.
The tasks can be edited in a specific window.
The created chart can be saved in a file and reloaded thereafter.
WD HTTP ProxyThis WINDEV example is a simplified HTTP proxy.
You can save connections and find out which pages were viewed.
WD Live MessagingThis example presents the "Socket" functions of WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to connect to a socket
2/ How to create a socket
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example present the different functions for socket management supplied with WINDEV. To use this example, a list of contacts must be entered in your address book. The contacts must be identified by a name and the IP address of their computer. When the application is started, the program searches for the accessible contacts (which means the ones who have started this application on their computer). When you double-click a "connected" contact, a discussion window is opened, giving you the ability to communicate with the contact
WD LoanThe power of WINDEV and the ease-of-use of WLanguage have allowed us to develop this application within a single day!

This example is used to simulate loans and to:
- calculate the amount of the monthly repayments from the amount borrowed
- calculate the amount that can be borrowed from a given monthly repayment
- calculate the income of an investment from a monthly payment

For each case, you have the ability to view the amortization table corresponding to your parameters.

WD MagnifierThis example enables you to zoom part of the screen with a magnifier.
The maximum zoom value is set to 8.
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
The WLanguge function named dCopyBlt() and the WLanguage property named ..Opacity allow you to perform a capture of the Windows desktop at the location of a window without this window appearing in the screen shot.
This example uses this tip to zoom the part of the screen found below the magnifier.
WD MailThis application is an email client developed in WINDEV. It is based on the Email objects.
This email client is used to retrieve and send emails by using the POP, IMAP and SMTP protocols.
You have the ability to apply filters to the incoming emails.

The application can also be used to manage several email accounts. The writing of an email is based on the HTML edit control.

WD Manager of task DotNetThis example is used to list the applications and the processes via .Net functions.

Furthermore, it is used to perform different processes on the applications (Toggle to an application, Maximize, Minimize, and so on) and on the processes (change the priority or end the process).
This example uses the main features of a task manager.

WD Managing a computer fleetThis example presents the management of a computer fleet with WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the printed reports,
2/ the graphic representation of the location of the computer,
3/ the automatically filled combo boxes.
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example is used to manage a computer fleet.
For each computer, you will be able to define its characteristics, its components, the person who is using it as well as its location in the offices.
WD Managing ContactsThis example presents the management of contacts in WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the loopers
2/ the label reports
3/ the queries
4/ sending emails
5/ using Outlook
6/ handling the data found on a mobile device.
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example is used to manage the contacts and to send emails.
It also enables you to synchronize these contacts with the ones found on the mobile device connected to the PC and with the ones found in Outlook.  

WD MarkdownThis example is an advanced Markdown text editor
WD MultimediaThis example shows how to play animations, audio and video files (MP3, WAV, AVI, MPEG, etc.) using the Multimedia control in WINDEV.

WD Office DiagramThis example shows how to use the Diagram Editor control in WINDEV.
WD Office Image EditorThis full example presents the operating mode of Image Editor control of WINDEV.
Open your images (WDPIC, JPG, PNG, ...) with the tool and modify them via the Image Editor control.
WD Office PDFReaderThis full example presents the operating mode of PDF Reader control of WINDEV.
Open your PDF documents with then tool and view/export their content via the PDF Reader control.
WD Office SpreadsheetThis full example presents the operating mode of Spreadsheet control of WINDEV.
Open your Excel workbooks (XLS or XLSX) with the tool and modify the data with the Spreadsheet control.
WD Office Word ProcessingThis full example presents the operating mode of Word Processing control of WINDEV.
Open your documents (docx, rtf) with the tool and modify them with the Word Processing control.
WD OrganizerThis example is used to synchronize some appointments between your Outlook, Lotus Notes and Google calendars.

Based on the Organizer control, you have the ability to create, modify, move or delete the appointments.
you also have the ability to classify the appointments by category and to link them to several external organizers.
WD OutlookWINDEV gives access, in native mode, to your contacts, your tasks, your emails and your calendar in Outlook.
This program, powered by WINDEV, explains how to read and write in the Outlook folders:
- Email
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Tasks
This example is designed to operate with the standard version of Outlook supplied with Office.
The default email application is selected via the Internet options of the control panel of Windows.
In order for the messages to be automatically sent and received in the WD Outlook example,
you must check, in the options of Microsoft Outlook, "Send the messages immediately"
and "Check the new incoming messages every x minutes".
WD PasswordThe WD Password example is a "password chest". It can be used to manage the passwords created when using Internet sites but also passwords created for everyday life (such as PIN numbers, ATM codes, ....).
The security of the data is guaranteed by the use of HFSQL encryption. Therefore, even if the files containing this information happen to be stolen, this information cannot be used without knowing the main password.
The example can also be used to generate very strong passwords.  

WD POP3ProxyThis example presents a POP3 proxy. A proxy is a program that connects to a server on behalf of another program.
A proxy can be used to isolate a local network from Internet for security reasons for example.
Only the computer hosting the proxy is linked to Internet and the users access the email server via the proxy.
In this example, the proxy is used to automatically archive the retrieved emails into a HFSQL database.
Several additional features can be used in this application: automatic filtering of spams, statistics about the emails...
WD RSS ReaderWD RSS Reader is a simplified example of RSS reader.
Among the available features:
- importing an OPML file / exporting streams into an OPML file,
- arranging RSS streams in folders,
- automatic update,
- 2 display modes of posts,
- "standby" folder containing all the "not read", "favorites", "today", "yesterday" posts.
WD Sales ManagementA "trendy" application for sales management that includes dynamic tabs and ribbon.
WD ScannerThis example explains how to manage scanners.

Summary of the example provided with WINDEV:  
This example shows how to use Scanxxx functions via a scan application. In the example, you can:
- view a section
- scan a document (gif, jpeg, pdf)
- edit a scanned document
WD ScheduleThis example presents the management of a graphic schedule.

The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the scheduler control
2/ the Google Calendar functions
WD Simple Internet BrowserThis example presents the features of WINDEV's HTML control and includes a simplified web browser with browsing history, favorites, etc.
WD TelephonyThis example presents the telephony functions of WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to dial a phone number
2/ Detect and identify the incoming calls
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example presents the telephony functions supplied with WINDEV. Once contacts have been entered in the main window (the table is in edit), you will be able to call them from the application directly (your computer must be equipped with a modem properly installed). You will be able to get a notification for the incoming calls and to identify the caller
WD Video ConferenceThis example uses the Conference control and presents the use of sockets via an instant messaging.
WD Video conference enables you to start a conference (sound + video) with a remote user. Furthermore, with instant messaging, you have the ability to send a file to your contact and to dialog with him.  

WD WebCamThis example explains how to include a WebCam in a WINDEV application.
The following topics will be presented in this example:
1/ Camera control
2/ Use of the video functions

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example explains how a WebCam can be included in a WINDEV window.
You have the ability to view the image captured by the camera, to perform an instant capture and to film the scene broadcasted as a Windows animation (AVI).
WD ZipThis example presents the use of archiving WLanguage functions with compression.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to create an archive?
2/ How to compress and uncompress files?
3/ How to manage Drag&Drop from the file explorer of Windows to a TreeView control?
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example allows you to create and read compressed archives in WDZ, ZIP, CAB and RAR format (in read-only). This feature can be very useful to manage the automatic backups. Furthermore, the example allows you to create multi-volume archives.
WDSETUPThis example explains how to create a custom setup procedure for your application with WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
  1/ the technical section: the elements that will be created on the user computer
  (files, groups of programs, icons, ...)
  2/ the "GUI" section: the elements that will be displayed to the user during the setup
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example presents some of the features proposed by WINDEV to create a professional setup for your application.
1/ the technical section: the elements that will be created on the user computer (files, groups of programs, icons, ...).
The main window of the setup wizard (SETUPWIZ.WDW) include the procedures used to copy the files on the user computer and to create the shortcut icons.
Several utility windows are called upon request: displaying the license, asking for confirmation before exiting from the setup or before overwriting an existing file, choosing the setup language, displaying a progress bar, ...
These windows and the associated procedures can be customized ; after the recompilation, all you have to do is tell WINDEV to use this new executable to install the application.
2/ the "GUI" sections: the elements that will be displayed to the user during the setup
The interface of the setup procedure (color, background image, texts displayed, license, ...) can be customized directly.
To do so, select the advanced options of the setup editor via "Tools..WDInst".
You can even go further by working on the windows of the WDSetup project and by modifying their style, the position of the controls, ...
You also have the ability to add or remove buttons, or to ask additional questions like for any other WINDEV project.
WX Full KanbanThis project shows how to manage kanbans with databases in your applications.
Training examples
Contour detectionThis example illustrates the use of the AIDetectContour function
WD Active Directory DotNetThis example is used to view the content of an Active Directory.
This viewing is performed via.NET objects found in the System.DirectoryServices assembly. You have the ability to view the properties of the users and to authenticate the users via their password.
You also have the ability to view information (more or less according to your rights) by specifying the name of your Active Directory server    

WD Animated MenuThe "WD Animated Menu" example proposes several menu animations, based on the interface of the full example named "WD Managing Orders".
These animations allow the main menu to be more attractive and dynamic when opening the window:
- appearance of the menu buttons with a fade-in effect,
- movement of the buttons
- etc.  

WD Auto Error ManagementThe "WD Automatic Management of Errors" example is an educational example about the automatic management of errors.
This example presents the fatal and non-fatal errors on several levels.
WD BluetoothWINDEV provides you with some Bluetooth management functions.
All types of Bluetooth devices can be managed from your WINDEV applications: cell phones, printers, speakers, and so on.
This example presents the use of these Bluetooth functions:
- to list the accessible Bluetooth devices
- to list the services proposed by a device
- to connect to a Bluetooth device
- to send a file to a device via the "OBEX" functions of WLanguage.  

WD ChainedListThis example supplies the tools required to build chained lists (simple sequencing). This type of list is used to store and browse a set of values in an organized way.

In the example, a chained list is used to store buttons.
- The list is then used to hide/move the buttons in the screen, creating a dynamic menu (Sidebar).
- The list is also used to translate the buttons without having to reload the window. To do so, the French caption and the English caption are stored for each button. The advantage of this method is to keep the status of the window, especially the menu in its drop-down aspect, the information text, and so on.

Specific feature of this example:
- this example is a multilingual example (French/English).
WD Changing Skin TemplatesThe “WD Changing Skin Templates” example presents a solution allowing the users to dynamically change skin templates.
WD ChartThis example presents the different uses of the Chart control.
Different types of charts are presented:
- Pie
- Sunburst
- Line
- Scatter
- Column
- Area
- etc.

The main features presented here are the possibility to customize of charts from the code, as well as to fill the chart from an HFSQL data file, or in the editor.
WD Coloring SearchThis example explains how to highlight the sought words in the result of a full-text search.
It is performed via a highlighting in yellow.  

WD Controlling ExcelThis example explains how to control Excel via OLE Automation.
All the features included in Excel can be emulated.

This example requires Excel 97 or later.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
Controlling a spreadsheet as Excel may be useful to allow the user to keep his own habits from the software powered by WINDEV.
This process is very easy via the "CExcel" class supplied with WINDEV.
The main features of Excel can be directly called (chart, inserting objects, sorts, ...).
How do I control Excel via OLE Automation?
An OLE Automation contains methods and properties. This allows you to emulate it directly in WLanguage.
For example, to display the selected cell in bold:
MyOLEAutomationObject>>Selection>>Font>>Bold = True    

WD Controlling LibreOfficeThis example shows how to control some LibreOffice functionalities.

You can create, open and manipulate Writer documents and Calc spreadsheets in LibreOffice from a WINDEV application.

You can set the cursor and move in a text document, read, edit and save content...
You can also send emails to multiple recipients using the data files described in the HFSQL analysis.

In spreadsheets, you can move between spreadsheets, select cells, read and edit their content, etc.

Many other features are available, such as the ability to change the font properties, insert images or replace preset values.

In this example, you will also discover how to mange a LibreOffice database.

This example provides easy-to-use classes.
WD Controlling OutlookThis program, powered by WINDEV, is used to read and write in the Outlook folders:
- Email
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Tasks
- Notes

An OLE dialog is used to read and write data in the Outlook files.
Note: We will be using the Outlook software supplied with the later versions of MS-Office. The software used is not "Outlook express".

"WD Controlling Outlook" also presents an example for using the WINDEV databinding between the variables found in the code and in the controls.

This example also presents the OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) and the UML diagrams.

WD Controlling SpreadsheetsThis example explains how to control OpenOffice Calc and Excel with a generic code.
It gives you the ability to create, open and handle the workbooks opened in OpenOfficeCalc and Excel from a WINDEV application.
You can position on a worksheet, select cells, read and modify their content, save the workbook and close it.
The use of an abstract class (CSpreadsheet) enables you to implement a unique code, regardless of the spreadsheet installed on the user computer

WD Controlling word processorThe purpose of this example is to propose a universal interface, allowing to control these applications without having to worry about the application to control. This example is based on an object-oriented programming concept: the polymorphism. It consists in using different objects (OpenOffice object and Microsoft Word object) without really knowing which one is used.
WD Controlling WordThis example explains how to control Word via OLE Automation.
All the features included in Word can be emulated.
This example is compatible with the versions 97, 2000 and 2002 (XP) of Word.
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
Controlling a text processor as Word may be useful to allow the user to keep his own habits from the software powered by WINDEV.
This process is very easy via the "CWord" class supplied with WINDEV.
The main features of Word can be directly called (text formatting, inserting objects, mailshot, and so on).
How do I control Word via OLE Automation?
An OLE Automation contains methods and properties. This enables you to emulate it directly in WLanguage.
For example, to write the selected text in bold:
MyOLEAutomationObject>>Selection>>Font>>Bold = True
WD DashboardThe "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget,
- etc.
WD DataBindingThe "WD DataBinding" example explains how to link a control and a WLanguage variable.

This example includes two windows:
- A first window presents a simple link between the controls and a composite variable.
- A second window presents a link between a table control and a WLanguage class as well as the link between the table and a detailed form

WD Detecting HFSQL ErrorsThis educational example, powered by WINDEV, presents the module for assisted management of HFSQL errors:
Duplicate, Integrity, Lock, Password, Modification conflict.
This example presents:
- the default operating mode,
- the different methods for customizing this assisted management.  

WD Device OpeningWhen inserting a removable device (USB key, and so on), the operating system of Windows proposes a list of preset actions to open the files found in this device.
The set of procedures proposed in this example will allow you to easily add or delete an application to/from the automatic opening system for the removable devices by programming.
WD DirectoryObserverThis example presents the use of the WLanguage function named fTrackDirectory.
It is used to watch a directory,
which means to be informed whenever a modification is performed in this directory.
A modification can be:
- Adding a file or a directory
- Renaming
- Modifying a file
- Deleting a file

WD DirectXDirectX is a set of libraries (or APIs) intended for programming multimedia applications.
This example includes an internal component allowing you to use DirectX 9.0 in your WINDEV applications.
All the APIs and interfaces of DirectX 9 have been implemented.
WD Discovering MVP - Part 1This educational example explains how to implement an MVP architecture (Model View Presenter) in a project. This example is simplified in order easily understand the concepts of this architecture.

WD Discovering MVP - Part 2This training example explains how to implement an MVP architecture (Model View Presenter) in a project for a simple analysis (Customer - Order - Order line - Product).

Several types of views (as well as their presentation) are proposed:
- table (with addition, modification, deletion and print),
- form,
- search (with filter).
WD DOTNET DelegateThis educational example explains how to interact with the DOTNET delegates
WD DOTNET WMIWMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) allows for an exhaustive management of devices. WMI can be compared to a database that groups multiple pieces of information about a computer.
The implementation of WMI with.NET is done via the "" assembly. This assembly export objects that easily manage the WMI classes.

The .NET WMI example has two operating modes:
  - A simple mode
  - An advanced mode

Note: The.Net FrameWork must be installed in order to use this example.
WD Drawing on ChartThis example is based on an internal component used to draw elements on a chart control:
- Min/Max areas
- Various areas
- Flags
- Plots and trackers

WD DuplicationThis educational example explains how to duplicate a database on a server.
The duplication is performed by programming and it allows you to give a new name to the database.
The example is based on the functions for saving and restoring a HFSQL backup.
WD Evaluation periodThis example explains how to limit the use of an application to a given period (evaluation period).
The following topics are presented in this example:
  1/ the protection of an application for a given duration
  2/ the management of the registry

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
When this example is started for the first time, it is activated for an evaluation period set to 5 days.
The information regarding the date when it was first started is stored in the registry and a control key is used to check whether this date was not modified by the end user. At the end of the evaluation period, the application is locked, unless the end user provides the code for unlocking the application  

WD Example of unit testThis example presents the use of the test editor included in WINDEV:
- test of a window
- test of a global procedure
- test of a global procedure from a set of test data (available from the versions 12)

WD Extended MapThis example shows the different features of the Map control in desktop (Windows) and mobile (Android, iOS) devices
WD FlowchartThis example is used to create organization charts.
An organization chart is used to indicate the repartition of the managers within a company and the relationships that exist between these managers.
WD Gallery ControlThis example demonstrates the use of the "Image Gallery" control.
WD Graphic ObjectsThis example illustrates the power of WLanguage in object oriented programming.
This example is a graphic object editor.

It is possible to:
- move, resize objects
- make selections with a lasso or a mouse
- cut/copy/paste objects
- delete/duplicate objects
- save the created documents and print them.

The main technical features presented and documented are:
- management of an object clipboard
- UNDO/REDO management
- serialization and deserialization of objects
- algorithms for managing graphic objects (proportional resizing, management of move rules, etc...)
WD Handling the Organizer controlWD Handling the Organizer control is a simple example for using the Organizer control.

The following features are used:
- Creating an appointment
- Saving an organizer
- Restoring an organizer

WD HFSQL data maskingThis example presents automatic data masking in HFSQL.
This technique helps you prevent sensitive data exposure by hiding it from certain users.
Data masking also makes it possible to secure information and prevent it from spreading. It also helps you meet GDPR requirements.
WD HFSQL Explain AnalyzerThis tool is used to visually represent the details of the runtime progress of a SQL query.
To do so, it uses the SQL EXPLAIN command.
WD HotKeyA HotKey is a keyboard shortcut.
For instance the Windows+E shortcut is a HotKey defined in Windows. It starts the file explorer.
This example built using WINDEV lets you define your own HotKeys.

WD HTML ExportThis example explains how to export data in HTML format with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the functions for managing the external files for generating the HTML file
2/ the operations performed on the HTML tags
3/ the generation of an HTML report
The generation of an HTML page is performed from the data found in a memory table.
By programming
The principle consists in generating a text file with a "HTM" extension. The WLanguage function named "fWrite" will be used.
This example easily writes the text strings by respecting the syntax of the HTML language.
The principle consists in creating a report on table based on the memory table that was previously filled.
The printout is requested with an HTML output.
WD Input checksThis example presents the manage of the input checks with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the functions for handling the strings
2/ the use of the file that groups the French cities

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This program, powered by WINDEV, explains how to check the data entered by the user: name, company, zip code, city, email address, and so on.
This example contains several procedures that can be easily reused.
The file containing 39 000 zip codes and cities is supplied with this example

WD Interactive ApplicationThis example explains how to use the WinEdXXX functions in an interactive application.
This application is used to mange a connected house (switch the lights on, find out the temperature).

The WinEdXXX functions are used to move the controls on the house map, while proposing advanced features such as the backup of modifications, the cancelation, ...

WD JAVA CallsWD JAVA Calls is an example containing two configurations of project:
- A "Windows Application" configuration that is used to create the executable of the application
- A "Java Application" configuration that is used to create the Java archive (.JAR) of the application
This example is supplied with a JAR archive named "JavaFunction" external to the application.
It presents the call to the methods of classes of this JAR archive via the WLanguage function named JavaExecuteFunction.
This example also explains how a memory table can be filled (identical in Java mode and in Windows mode)
WD Java Chart DesignerWINDEV enables you to create some Java applications without even knowing Java.
You program with a 5GL (WLanguage) and WINDEV generates the Java code.
The drawing functions of WINDEV are available in Java generation.
This example explains how to create charts with these drawing functions.
Three types of charts are presented in this example:
- the bar chart,
- the scatter chart,
- and the line chart.  

WD JavaMailThis example is a Java example used to read and send emails.

WD JSONThis example shows how the JSON format is used with WINDEV: type of variable, type of item, import/export, etc.
WD Jump listsJumpList in Windows 7

A JumpList is a menu accessible from the Start menu or from the application icon in the taskbar.
It is used to display the documents recently or frequently opened by the application. It is also used to display the specific tasks.

This example handles images and some operations are directly accessible from the JumpList.
WD KanbanThis example illustrates how to use, save and load a Kanban control
WD LassoThis program, powered by WINDEV, uses a selection lasso in an image control to perform a zoom in a preview control.
The CLasso class is supplied with this example in order to facilitate the implementation of a selection lasso in a WINDEV application  

WD MailshotThis example explains how to send a mailshot with WINDEV.
This example is used to type the subject of the message, its content and its attachments.
Then, the user must select the customers to which the message will be sent.
The WLanguge EmailSendMessage() function is used to send the message to each selected customer.
Technical implementation:
An email server compatible with POP3/SMTP must necessarily be accessible from the computer on which the application is run.  

WD Managing HFSQL ErrorsThe "WD Managing HFSQL Errors" example presents the management of HFSQL errors (duplicate, integrity).
This example explains how to customize the process when an error occurs.
WD Managing the Java errorsWINDEV enables you to develop Java applications without even knowing Java.
You benefit from the power and from the automated processes of the WINDEV environment.
One of the most useful automated processes is the automatic management of errors.
This example presents the operating mode and the implementation of the mechanism for managing the WINDEV errors.
Some illustrations allow you to understand the simplification performed when implementing this feature.
This project is configured to generate a Java archive.  

WD Multiple ClipboardsThe WD Multiple Clipboard example automatically manages a multi-level clipboard between all the WINDEV applications started on the computer.
The copy operation can be performed from any application, regardless whether it was developed in WINDEV or not. The text and bitmap formats will be stored.
The special paste is triggered via [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[V] and a popup window is displayed at the location of the input cursor. Then, the user only has to choose the history entry that he wants to paste.
The content of the clipboard is stored on disk in case the application stops. Therefore, the application can be placed in the startup group of the user in order to get a clipboard whose content is persistent even after the computer is switched off.  

WD MultitouchThis example is using an internal component allowing you to use the Windows Touch features in a WINDEV application.
Different windows propose several features.
Caution: to operate, this internal component requires Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2 or later.
WD Multi-WindowingThis example presents the basic concepts for managing the multi-windowing and the dynamic tabs with WINDEV.

This example includes a simple interface for managing the customer forms:
- multi-windowing with MDI interface,
- multi tabs with a dynamic tab control.

WD Network framesAnalyzing the frames that circulate on a network allows the administrators to audit the network and to detect the problems.

To listen to the network, the application uses the Winsock 2 API and the RAW Sockets.
This example presents the use of this API by listening to the network in order to retrieve the lost passwords.

You also have the ability to listen to your Intranet network and to the data that circulates on this network.

WD OAuthOAuth allows you to act as user of an external platform without knowing the identifiers (user name and password) of this user.
Several external platforms (among which Google, Twitter, Facebook) propose APIs for which you have the ability to connect with the information belonging to one of their users. This identification is performed via OAuth. Therefore, all the requests performed on their services (API, ...) will require an access token identifying both the application (the "client") and the user.
The example proposes to connect to Google and Microsoft via the AuthConnect function and the OAuth2Parameter type.
WD Object DetectionThis example shows how to use AIDetect.
WD Office365This example presents the connection to Microsoft Office365 APIs and it allows you to use the Outlook contacts.
WD OLEDBThis example presents the access to a database via OLE DB with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the independence between your applications and the database
2/ the connection via OLE DB
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example explains how to create an application independent of the database used.
The same application with the same source code accesses a HFSQL file or an Access database via OLE DB.
According to this principle, your applications will be able to access all the available databases.  

WD OPC UAThis example shows how to communicate with an OPC UA server.
WD OPCThis example presents the implementation of the OPC protocol in WINDEV.
OPC means OLE for Process Control.
It's a standard implementation based on OLE/COM for managing physical devices (robots, alarms, captors, ...).
For more details, see the WINDEV help or the following site:
WINDEV allows for data access through Automation or ActiveX (OPC DA Auto 2.0 specification).
The use of OPC in WINDEV requires the use of an Automation object or of an ActiveX that serves as an OPC client layer.
This Automation object or ActiveX is usually provided by the manufacturer of the device.
Therefore, OPC in WINDEV is implemented using the basic principle of object automation and ActiveX.  

WD OpenGLThis example illustrates how to create 3 dimensional objects (cube, sphere, cylinder, ball, etc.) using the OpenGL engine

WD OSDOSD means: On-Screen Display. This is the name given to the interfaces that appear on the computer screens or on the TV screens for example. They are used to perform settings in most cases.
These types of menus are displayed above all the other elements found on the screen.
This example explains how to create this type of interface in WINDEV.
WD PC InfoWD PC Info

From an application, it may be useful to find out the language of the computer on which the application is run, to directly run the application in the proper language, to find out the currency of the computer, to specify in the application the conversion of currencies into the computer currency for example...

The "WD PC Info" example explains how to retrieve the regional and linguistic options from the computer and how to modify them:
- the language,
- the country,
- the format of the dates,
- the currency symbol,
- the thousand separator,
- the 1st day of the week,
- the decimal separator,

WD PersistenceThis example presents the use of InitParameter, LoadParameter and SaveParameter.
These functions are used to configure the backup of controls, variables and other parameters.
This example is divided into three parts:
  - The configuration
  - The manual management of variables (SaveParameter and LoadParameter)
  - The optimization
1°) Configuration  

  The configuration window enables you to modify the location of the backup of parameters (registry, INI file, XML file) as well as its path (registry key or file path).
2°) Manual management of the variables
  The manual management enables you to save the content of the variables via SaveParameter and to restore them via LoadParameter. Each parameter is identified by a name. These values are saved at the location defined in the configuration window.
3°) The optimization
  This window explains how to optimize your code to avoid the slowness caused when the saved values are restored. Indeed, when restoring the value of a control, its modification code is run. If you have long processes (queries with parameters for instance), this window shows you how to speed up the loading of the window.
WD PivotTableThis example presents the use of the Pivot Table control.

This Pivot Table control is used to display dynamic statistics while grouping the data.
These statistics are calculated form the database.

WD PowerPoint GenerationThis example explains how to generate a PowerPoint presentation from:
- the data found in a WINDEV application (data found in the tables, in the charts, ...)
- and a base PowerPoint document (.pptx).
WD PowerShellThis example allows you to run a powershell script from a WINDEV application and retrieve the result and the report.
PowerShell is a very useful script/batch language for managing the operating system.
High-level functions make it possible to perform complex tasks in a simple manner.

In this example, you can simply enter the script to be run and click "Run PowerShell script".
The report is then shown in the control below.
To retrieve information from a PowerShell script, in WLanguage, simply analyze the string returned by the script.
WD Printing TreeViewsThis example explains how to print a Treeview.
It uses a "PrintTree" class that can be easily reused for any TreeView control
WD PythonThis example shows how to run Python code in WINDEV applications.
Prerequisite: Python 3 must be installed on the computer. To get Python 3, go to
WD QueriesThis example presents the use of SQL queries on HFSQL databases.
The following topic will be presented in this example: the SQL queries

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
Creating queries with WINDEV is child's play.

This example presents the main features for using the SQL queries on HFSQL databases (calculations, passing parameters, printed reports).
The result of the queries can be used in different ways: in a table, in a report, exported (via a right mouse click) to Excel, Word and XML.

The SQL code used is compatible with all the databases.
With WINDEV, your applications are independent of the database.

WD Reflexive linkThis example presents the management of a reflexive link with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ Fill a control with HFSQL content (automatic management of reflexive link).
2/ Fill by programming.
WD RemoteControlThis example is used to implement the remote control of a WINDEV application.
This control is used to inform the users of the application closing, to prevent new users from connecting and to close the application.
This mode must be reserved to the administrator of the application.
Important: to run the test of this example, it must be deployed as "Setup with network update".
WD ReportsThis example presents the different methods for creating a report:

- prints based on different data sources (queries, variables, ...)
- prints based on controls (Table, Spreadsheet, PVT, ...)
- printing composite reports
- specific prints (portrait/landscape, report with watermark, report with bar code, ...)
WD RiakWD Riak presents an example for using the Riak database in WLanguage.
Riak is a NoSQL database of key/value type.
The example explains how to add data into a Riak database, how to remove it and how to erase it.
It proposes two classes that can be easily re-used to handle a server or a Riak cluster.
WD RibbonSearchThe "WD RibbonSearch" example proposes a solution to find an element in a Ribbon control from its caption and from its tooltip.
When selecting a result line, the relevant pane and group/control are highlighted (yellow color).
To simplify the use of this search feature, the example proposes a window template.
WD SchedulerWithBreakThe "WD SchedulerWithBreak" example proposes a solution to manage the "breaks" in a Scheduler control.
The breaks can be collapsed or expanded upon request (click) or by programming.
WD Screen SaverThis example illustrates the creation of a screen saver with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the periodic call to a procedure ("timers")
2/ the management of Windows events
3/ the system functions (call to Windows APIs)
To use the screen saver:
- Rename the executable (.EXE) to.SCR
- Copy the file to the directory of Windows (Ex: C:\WINDOWS)
- Open the window for the display properties of the desktop
- Choose the "Screen Saver" tab
- Select the screen saver generated by WINDEV
WD Search ControlThis example explains how to manage an edit control used to perform FullText searches of "google" type in your database.  

WD Search On Composite KeysSummary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example explains how to implement filters or searches on HFSQL files.
On the first tab, you have the ability to perform different searches and to see the result of your search.
On the second tab, you have the ability to implement a filter by using the composite keys and to see the result issued from your filter.
WD Server triggerThis example explains how to use the server triggers.
The server triggers are run on the server whenever adding/modifying/deleting records.

WD ServiceThis example presents the creation of a "service" application with WINDEV.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
A service is a resident program the can operate outside a Windows session (the application is started before the Windows "Login").
In most cases, this type of application has no interface (no window)
For example, a service can be a processing robot (automation of a batch process).
This example explains how a 'Service' program can be created in WINDEV.

WD SharingMemoryThis example explains how to use the function for sharing memory with WINDEV.

Several applications may share data when they are started at the same time. In this case, you may have to use a shared memory zone. This memory zone will allow all the started applications to share some information.
WD Simple OOPThe "WD Simple OOP" example is an educational example about the OOP with WINDEV. This example presents the operating mode of:
- classes,
- inheritances,
- virtual procedures,
- UML diagrams,
- ...
WD Spatial indicesUsing FOR EACH ... WHERE GeometryXXX with geographic data allows you to make the most of spatial indices.
Performance is better, compared to FOR EACH .. followed by IF GeometryXXX .. THEN.
We therefore recommend this specific syntax for handling geographic data. This example shows how to use this syntax.
The example contains geographical data for several municipalities in department 78 in France. The item of type "geographic data" in the analysis has been defined as "spatial key".
WD Syntactic ColoringThis example proposes a base class used to perform a standard syntax highlighting on some text.
This highlighting is based on a rough analysis of the lemmes found in a text in order to identify the elements of a programming language for instance.
It can be overridden or derived in order to customize the system and the highlighting language.
This example is used to highlight SQL code and XML code but it can be extended to highlight other languages or other text formats.
WD SystemAPIsThis example presents the use of the Windows APIs. Several WLanguage functions are used to perform the following operations:

  - Hide the system buttons of an MDI child window
  - Enumerate the opened windows
  - Retrieve/Modify the time of a double click
  - Retrieve the idle time on the computer
  - Empty the recycle bin (by using or not an "API descriptor" variable)
  - Change the screen background
  - Modify the caret (input cursor) of an edit control
  - Share a directory
  - Delete a share

These functions use the Windows APIs. See the help window for more details.

WD Text-To-SpeechThis example explains how to perform a speech synthesis in a WINDEV application by using the SpeechSynthesizer class found in the .NET framework.
- This example requires .Net version 3.0 (or later),
- The speech synthesizer is available in English version by default.
WD TimelineThis example proposes an internal component used to handle a 'Timeline' control template.
A timeline is used to linearly display a series of events that occurred over a given period of time.
The TPLC_TIMELINE and TPLC_TIMELINE_DOUBLE control templates are used to manage and display a timeline of events.  

WD ToastsThis example shows how to use the ToastDisplay and ToastDisplayIW functions as well as Toast variables. A Toast is a temporary message used to inform the user without interrupting the application.
WD TransactionThis program, powered by WINDEV, is based on a simplified analysis (ORDERS, ORDERLINE and STOCK). It illustrates the operating mode of the transactions when placing an order.  

WD TreeMapThis example presents the use of the TreeMap control to view the content of a directory and the space taken by each file in this directory

This way, it is very easy to quickly see which files take up a lot of space.
WD TriggerThis example explains how to use the triggers with WINDEV.
A trigger is a WLanguage procedure automatically called by the HFSQL engine whenever a HFSQL function is run.

The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ how to branch a trigger on a HFSQL function
2/ the code that must be used in the function called by trigger.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This application is used to enter the expenses for the contributors of a company.
Two modes can be used:
- the mode with read/write rights
- the mode with read-only rights.
The triggers will be used to control the access to the files according to the current mode.
In this example, the triggers are also used to write the different events into a log file.
This log file can be directly consulted in the application.
WD Two-factor AuthenticationThis example shows how to use two-factor authentication to secure access to user accounts.
It uses TOTP authentication, which generates a 6-digit code every 30 seconds.

The code is generated by all Authenticators that use TOTP (Google, Microsoft, etc.)
WD Universal ReplicationThis examples explains how to use the universal replication to synchronize data of different sites.
The universal replication is used to synchronize the data of a site (master site) with the same data of one or more replicated sites (subscriber sites). The data structures are identical on each site but they can be exploited via different data managers. HFSQL Classic and Access will be used in this example.
The example presents the processes that must be included in your applications to allow the user, via a simple action (menu, button, ...), to:
- create a master replica,
- create one or more subscriber replicas,
- see and modify the data of these replicas,
- export the created or modified data to a site (portable replica),
- import the created or modified data into another site...
WD User GroupwareThis example presents the operating mode of the User Groupware supplied with WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ What is the User Groupware
2/ How can the User Groupware be included in my application
3/ How do I configure the User Groupware

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example presents some features proposed by the User Groupware of WINDEV. It is based on an example for managing the user accounts. Some users have the rights to view the accounts while other users have the rights to perform operations (transfer, loan…)
WD Using DotNET classesThis example enables you to use the .NET classes in WLanguage
In this example, we will be using:
- the String class that is used to handle the character strings (switch to lowercase/uppercase characters, count the number of characters, ...).
- the MessageBox class that is used to create custom dialog boxes (ability to choose the text, the icon and the buttons).
These two classes come from the mscorlib.dll and System.Windows.Form.dll assemblies.
- a .NET control used to view the Web pages.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example is used to:
- analyze a character string (number of characters, number of words, replacement of characters, ...)
- configure the dialog boxes (buttons, icon, text). The name of the button selected by the user is automatically displayed.
- use a .NET control in order to view the Web pages.

WD Using DOTNETThis example converts currencies into other currencies.
The base of this project (the cEuro class) is used to create a.Net assembly
WD Using.NET is presented:
1/ As a WINDEV project and an assembly (all working without.Net in test mode)
2/ As a.Net project written in  C# and a.Net executable
Summary of the example provided with WINDEV:  
Now you can use.Net assemblies in WINDEV and you can generate.Net assemblies from WINDEV!
WD Using socketsThis example presents the use of the "Socket" functions of WINDEV in Client/Server.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to connect to a socket
2/ How to accept a request for connection
3/ How to write or read on a socket
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example presents the different functions for socket management supplied with WINDEV. To use this example, a first instance of the example must be started in "server" mode. Then, by specifying the name of the computer that will be used as server and a nickname, you can connect to this application in "client" mode. You now have the ability to send messages to all the connected users. In this example, a thread and a socket are associated with each connection.  

WD WDSETUP PluginThis project contains the elements required to create a setup plugin (or "extension") for WDSETUP.

It can be customized according to your own needs.
The example allows you to save the .wdinfo file on the user computer and to associate it with your program installed. The uninstall operation will delete this association.

See the comments found in SET_WDSETUPPLUGIN and in IW_CUSTOMSETUPPLANE to find out how to customize the plugin.
WD Webservice ClientThis example illustrates the use of WebServices.
It explains how to retrieve, from a WebService, images according to keywords.
This project is the client that connects to the "WD Webservice Server" WebService.

WD Webservice ServerThis example illustrates the use of the WebServices.
It explains how to create a WebService by providing some images according to keywords.
This project is the WebService that is used th the WD Webservice Client project.

WD Website automationThis example shows how to automate a website using WINDEV's HTML Control and the WLanguage HTMLxxx functions
WD Who is lockingThis example explains how to notify to the users of a HFSQL database in network "who" is locking an inaccessible record.

The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ management of concurrent accesses
2/ automatic refresh by timer
3/ management of a "system" file to store information about the locks.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example, powered by WINDEV, includes 2 projects:
- WD Who is locking: test application that manages a "client" file in network
- WD Supervisor of locks: management tool used to view the existing locks and to force the unlocking if necessary.
An edit form may have been left opened by a user for quite a long time ; this may interfere with the other users.
The 'Free' button sends a message to the relevant user and asks him to free the record.
The 'Unlock!' button is used to force the unlocking of the record.
Caution: This operation will send a message forcing the closing of the application that performed the lock.
WD Windows Notification ManagementStarting with Windows 10, "toast" notifications (on the right side of the Desktop) are interactive, and enable you to include buttons, input areas and combo boxes.
This example shows how to use this type of notifications.

WD WindowsUpdateThis example explains how to manage the updates available on Windows Update. It provides an internal component allowing to download the updates and to install them.
You also have the ability to retrieve some specific information about the updates (minimum disk space required, importance level, etc..)
WD WizardThis example explains how to create a "Wizard" window with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the management of planes
2/ the dynamic modification of a static

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:  
This example explains how to easily manage a "Wizard" in a window via the concept of planes. The user is guided step by step by clicking the "Next", "Previous" and "Done" buttons

WD_WBInWD_InterfaceThis example shows an advanced implementation of "WEBDEV in WINDEV".
The code uses interfaces.
A simplified example (without interfaces), is also available.

This example explains how to insert a WEBDEV page, a website or part of a website into a WINDEV window and how to establish two-way communication between them in WLanguage.
There are multiple use cases for the integration of a WEBDEV page directly into a WINDEV window:
- merge existing WINDEV and WEBDEV elements,
- progressively webify an application. In this case, simply develop new features in WEBDEV and integrate them into existing WINDEV applications.
WW_WBInWD_InterfaceThis example shows an advanced implementation of "WEBDEV in WINDEV".
The code uses interfaces.
A simplified example (without interfaces), is also available.

This example explains how to insert a WEBDEV page, a website or part of a website into a WINDEV window and how to establish two-way communication between them in WLanguage.
There are multiple use cases for the integration of a WEBDEV page directly into a WINDEV window:
- merge existing WINDEV and WEBDEV elements,
- progressively webify an application. In this case, simply develop new features in WEBDEV and integrate them into existing WINDEV applications.

Additional examples will be available on our website (
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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