Help / Developing an application or website / Source Code Manager (SCM)
  • Overview
  • SCM: Creating and distributing an external component
  • Principle
  • Creating the external component
  • Generating the external component
  • SCM: Using an external component found in the SCM
  • Principle
  • Using an external component found in the SCM
  • Special case: Replacing an external component by an external component coming from the SCM
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Stored procedures
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to easily create and publish external components. This operation can be performed:
  • on non-shared projects: the external component is available on the network for example and it can be used by any project. For more details, see Creating and distributing an external component.
  • on the projects found in the repository (SCM): the external component can be created from a project found in the SCM and it can be made available to the other projects also found in the SCM.
This help page presents the operations to perform in order to create and distribute an external component via the SCM.
SCM: Creating and distributing an external component


To distribute an external component via the SCM, this component must have been created and generated from a project found in the SCM.
Remark: An SCM project can also use an external component that has not been published in the SCM.

Creating the external component

The method for creating an external component for the SCM is the same as the method for creating a standard component. An external component can be created:
  • from an existing project, using an "External component" configuration. This configuration contains the elements of the project that the component needs to run properly.
  • from an "External component" project. By default, this project only contains an "External component" configuration.
The project used to create the external component must be located in the SCM.
For more details, see Creating an external component.

Generating the external component

When all component elements are created, you have the ability to generate the external component:
  1. Select (if necessary) the project configuration corresponding to the component (in the "Project explorer" pane).
  2. Click in the quick access buttons and select "Generate a component".
  3. Check in (if necessary) the elements checked out from the project.
  4. Specify the requested options in the external component generation wizard. For more details, see Generating an external component.
    Let's focus on the options for publishing the external component ("Publish component" step):
    • By default, the external component is generated in the EXE directory of the project (or in the directory corresponding to the project configuration of the component). The files corresponding to the external component can be used by any project.
    • The wizards prompts you to "publish" the external component to the SCM, i.e., copy the files from the external component to a specific directory in the SCM. In this case, the external component can be easily included in other SCM projects.
To publish the external component in the SCM:
  1. Check "Publish the component in the following directory of SCM".
  2. Select the publication directory. This directory is relative to the SCM repository. You can for example group all the external components found in the SCM in a single directory. You can create a specific directory via the "New directory" button in the directory selection window.
    Remark: An external component that is published in SCM cannot be included in the Reusability Center.
  3. In the following step, the wizard prompts you to to label the sources to find the version of the elements used during the creation of the component.
  4. Validate the creation of the external component.
  5. A dialog box confirms that the generation of the component has been completed. Publish the component in the SCM ("Publish in SCM").
  6. A window appears showing the component files that were added to the repository (*.wdi, *.wdk and *.wdz, if necessary). Validate this window.
  7. The component is now published and can be used by the projects in the SCM.
SCM: Using an external component found in the SCM


WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to include in a project found in the SCM an external component coming from:
  • a file,
  • the SCM.
The following paragraph explains how to import a component published in the SCM.

Using an external component found in the SCM

To import an external component into a project of the SCM:
  1. Open the project.
  2. On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Import" and select "An External component .. From SCM".
  3. The screen allows you to:
    • find all the external components found in the SCM repository ("Find" tab). Caution: this operation can take quite a long time.
    • browse the different directories of the SCM to find the external component ("Browse" tab). This operation is recommended but you must know the generation directory of the component in the SCM.
  4. Select the requested external component and validate.
  5. The external component is included in the project and the description window of the component is displayed. Validate.
  6. The external component can be used in the project.

Special case: Replacing an external component by an external component coming from the SCM

Your project in the SCM uses an external component that was included via the standard method (file available on network for example) and you want to replace it with an external component located in the SCM:
  1. Open the project.
  2. In the "Project explorer" pane:
    • Select the "External components" folder.
    • Open the context menu of the folder (right-click).
    • Select "List of external components imported into the project".
  3. The window that is displayed lists the external components found in the project.
  4. To replace the existing component by the external component found in the SCM, click the "Import (SCM)" button and select the external component.
Remark: The "Re-localize" button cannot be used to replace the external component included in the project by the same component found in the SCM.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 06/03/2022

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