Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Preset cursors
  • Limitations
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Stored procedures
The MouseCursor property gets and sets the cursor displayed when pointing over a control, window or page.
Reminder: You can define the cursor used in the "UI" tab of the element description window.
// Modify the cursor of the BTN_Validate button
BTN_Validate.MouseCursor = curHelp
WINDEVJavaUser code (UMC)

Getting the hover cursor used for a window or window control Hide the details

<Cursor name> = <Element used>.MouseCursor
<Cursor name>: Character string or integer constant
Name of the cursor used for the specified control or window. Can correspond to:
  • A specific cursor name (file with a .CUR or .ANI extension):
    • name of the cursor if the file is located in the current directory,
    • name and full path of the cursor if the file is located in a directory other than the current directory.
      Java ".CUR" or ".ANI" custom mouse cursors are not supported in Java.
  • A preset cursor identified by one of the following constants:
    curArrowStandard arrow
    curCrossStandard cross
    curForbiddenSign not allowed
    curHelpHelp on an object
    curIbeamInput cursor
    curSizeCross arrow cursor
    curSizeNESWNorth East/South West arrow
    curSizeNSNorth/South arrow
    curSizeNWSENorth West/South East arrow
    curSizeWEEast/West arrow
    curSystemHandSystem hand
    Java Same cursor as curHand.
    curUpArrowUp arrow
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of the control or window for which the associated cursor is to be found.
WINDEVWindowsJavaUser code (UMC)

Changing the hover cursor defined for a window control or window Hide the details

<Element used>.MouseCursor = <Cursor name>
<Element used>: Control name or window name
Name of the control or window for which you want to change the cursor
<Cursor name>: Character string or integer constant
Name of the cursor to be used. Can correspond to:
  • A specific cursor name (file with a .CUR or .ANI extension):
    • name of the cursor if the file is located in the current directory,
    • name and full path of the cursor if the file is located in a directory other than the current directory.
      Java ".CUR" or ".ANI" custom mouse cursors are not supported in Java.
  • A preset cursor identified by one of the following constants:
    curArrowStandard arrow
    curCrossStandard cross
    curForbiddenSign not allowed
    curHelpHelp on an object
    curIbeamInput cursor
    curSizeCross arrow cursor
    curSizeNESWNorth East/South West arrow
    curSizeNSNorth/South arrow
    curSizeNWSENorth West/South East arrow
    curSizeWEEast/West arrow
    curSystemHandSystem hand
    Java Same cursor as curHand.
    curUpArrowUp arrow

Preset cursors

Preset cursors are Windows cursors that can be changed via the control panel (or desktop themes). The icons have a default value, so they may vary according to the user preferences.


WINDEV The MouseCursor property applies only to:
  • Window controls.
  • Windows.
  • Control templates.
This property cannot be used with:
  • Menus,
  • Rows in a Table or TreeView Table control,
  • Columns in a Table or TreeView Table control.
  • Map controls.
Java The MouseCursor property can only be used with the following elements:
  • Button control.
  • Static control.
  • Edit control.
  • Image control.
  • Check Box control.
  • Radio Button control.
  • List Box control.
  • Combo Box control.
  • TreeView control.
  • Tab control.
  • Table control.
  • Columns of a Table control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/29/2024

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