Version: 24252627282024SaaS
Determining if an element is selected Hide the details
True if the element is selected, False otherwise.
Name of the control to be used: Name of List Box, ListView or Table control: used to find out whether the row is selected. Column name: used to find out whether the cell is selected. If the row index is not specified, allows you to determine whether the column is selected.
Index of the row to use.
Selecting an element Hide the details
Name of the control to be used: Name of List Box, ListView or Table control: used to select a row or not. Column name: used to select a cell or not. If the row index is not specified, enables you to select or deselect the table column.
True if the element must be selected, False otherwise.
Determining if a WEBDEV menu option is selected Hide the details
True if the option is selected, False otherwise.
Name of the menu option to use.
Selecting a WEBDEV menu option Hide the details
Name of the option to select.
True if the option must be selected, False otherwise.
Single-selection and multi-selection List Box control
Last update: 07/08/2024
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