- Number of records
- Type of report
- Limit
TotalNbRec (Property) In french: NbEnrTotal
The TotalNbRec property is used to: - Get the number of records to be printed (e.g., a report based on a file, memory area or query).
- Change the number of records to be printed (i.e., set a limit, for example, print only the first 50 records).
RPT_Customer.TotalNbRec = 25
Getting the maximum number of records to be printed Hide the details
<Result> = <Report used>.TotalNbRec
<Result>: Integer - Number of records to be printed,
- 0 if all the records must be printed.
<Report used>: Report name Name of the report to be used.
Modifying the maximum number of records to printed Hide the details
<Report used>.TotalNbRec = <New maximum number>
<Report used>: Report name Name of the report to be used. <New maximum number>: Integer - New number of records to be printed,
- 0 if all the records must be printed.
Remarks Number of records - The NbRecRead property returns the number of records selected by the source of the report (query, view, memory area or Table control).
- The NbPrintedRec property returns the number of records selected both by the source of the report AND by the filter code (if any).
- The NbRecRead and NbPrintedRec properties return the same value for a report based on a file: the number of records in the file AND selected by the filter code (if any).
- The TotalNbRec property is used to determine and change the number of records to print. The number of records to print will be between 1 and the value of the NbPrintedRec property.
Type of report If the report is linked to: - an HFSQL file, the records to print are selected in the beginning of the data file.
- a query, the maximum number of records to print can be known and/or modified in the description of advanced options of the query. To display the advanced options of the query linked to the report:
- Select "Edit the query" in the context menu of report. The query editor is displayed.
- Select "Query description" in the context menu of the query.
- In the window that is displayed, click the "Advanced" button.
Limit The TotalNbRec property cannot be used on reports without a data source.
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