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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Miscellaneous WINDEV functions
  • Running an automatic feature
  • Deleting AAFs
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Stored procedures
Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, window or on the current application.
The export to Excel can be disabled for a Table control for example. The corresponding context menu option is automatically deleted.
Remark: This function is equivalent to AAFDisable.
// Clic sur le bouton Annuler
// => les valeurs saisies par l'utilisateur ne seront pas sauvées
DisableAAF(MyWindow, aafSaveValue)
// Option de menu 'restaure les paramètres par défaut'
DisableAAF(MyWindow, aafSaveSizeAndPosition) 
DisableAAF(MyWindow, aafSaveValue) 
// -- Initialisation du projet
// Désactive la possibilité de sélectionner les colonnes Ã  afficher 
// pour toutes les tables de l'application
DisableAAF([<Control or Window>, ] <Feature to disable>)
<Control or Window>: Optional control name or window name
Name of the control or window affected by the automatic feature. It is also possible to use a window alias name.
If this parameter is not specified, the automatic feature will be disabled for the entire application.
<Feature to disable>: Integer constant
Automatic feature to disable. This action depends on the type of control used. The function has no effect if the type of control is not valid for the selected constant.
aaf1stFocusControlDisables the context menu used to set the initial focus to the edit control.

Applies to: Edit control
aafAAFHelpDisables the context menu used to open the AAF help site (

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Windows, Table, TreeView Table and Pivot Table controls
aafAddRowNumberColumnDeactivates the popup menu to add a first column "N° de row" in the Table control .

Applies to:
  • Table control.
  • TreeView Table control.
aafAddShortcutDisables the context menu used to manage custom keyboard shortcuts.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Button control
aafAdjustAllColumnsDisables the context menu that allows users to automatically adjust all columns.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control
aafAutoFilterOnKeystrokeDisables automatic switch to filter mode in an Table control column when the user uses a keyboard key in an Table control during input.
Applies to: Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafAutomaticCalculationTableDisables the context menu for displaying automatic calculations on Table control columns.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Table or TreeView Table control
aafAutomaticTotalsDisables automatic calculations in numeric columns of a Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control
aafAutomaticValidationDisables the option to set a timer on a button.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Button control.
aafCalculatorDisables the context menu used to display a popup calculator to perform calculations.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Numeric or Currency edit control
aafCalendarDisables the context menu used to display a popup calendar in order to select a date in a Date edit control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Date Edit control
aafChangeBackgroundColorDisables the context menu used to change the background color of a row, column or cell in a control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Table, TreeView Table and Pivot Table controls
aafChartDisables the display of an automatic chart in a Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control
aafChartMenuDisables the context menu of Chart controls displayed via the AAF mechanism.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Chart control
aafCheckAllDisables the context menu used to check/uncheck all rows in a Check Box column of a Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
aafCheckBoxCheckAllDisables the context menu options used to check or uncheck all the options in a Check Box control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Check Box control
aafColumnSelectionDisables the column selection on a Table control to display.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control
aafCompareDateRangePvtDisables the context menu used to compare different periods in the Pivot Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafCopyDisables the context menu used to:
  • copy the row of a List Box control.
  • copy the row and the column of a Table control. Applies to: List Box control or Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafCopyAllDisables the context menu used to copy all rows found in a List Box or Table control to the clipboard ("Copy all" option).

Applies to: List Box control or Table control
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafCopyFormDisables the context menu used to copy the current form.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Window
aafCustomizeUIDisables the context menu option allowing the end user to customize the interface.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Window
aafDashEditModeDisables the option to switch to edit mode:
  • WINDEV via the context menu in a Dashboard control.
  • AndroidiPhone/iPad via a long press.

Applies to: Dashboard control
aafDashEditModeDisables the option to switch to edit mode:
  • WINDEV via the context menu in a Dashboard control.
  • AndroidiPhone/iPad via a long press.

Applies to: Dashboard control

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafDeactivateWindowAnimationDisables the context menu option used to disable window animations.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Window
aafDiscoverAAFDisables the toast used to inform the user about AAFs (Automatic Application Features).

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Window
aafDisplayOnSeveralLinesDisables the context menu used to display the content of a column of a Table control on several rows. This context menu is disabled for all columns in the Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control
aafDisplayPasswordDeletes the password reveal icon.

Applies to: Edit control
aafDisplayThumbnailDisables the display of a thumbnail of an image or PDF file whose path has been entered in an edit control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafEditTooltipDisables the context menu option used to edit the tooltip of the control.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: all types of controls.
aafExpandCollapseAllDisables the option used to expand or collapse all elements in a TreeView Table control or in a branch of a TreeView Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to:
  • TreeView Table control,
  • TreeView control.
aafFileSelectionDisables the "Browse" option in the context menu displayed in File and File Path edit controls.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Edit control
aafFilterDisables the context menu for automatic filters on magnifiers, in the column titles of a Table control.
Applies to: Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafFindDisables the use of the search on a multiline edit control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Multiline edit control
aafFindInComboDisables the search on a Combo Box control.
Caution: If the search in the Combo Box control has been enabled by the option "With search" available in the "Details" tab of the control description window, this constant is not taken into account.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Combo Box control
aafFreezeColumnLeftDisables the context menu that allows users to lock columns in a Table control.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
aafGanttAddDependencyDisables the context menu used to add and delete a dependency link between two tasks in a Gantt Chart column.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGanttAddTaskDisables the context menu used to add a task into a Gantt Chart column.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGanttDeleteTaskDisables the context menu used to delete a task from a Gantt Chart column.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGanttEditTaskDisables the context menu used to edit a task in a Gantt Chart column.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGotoLineDisables the context menu used to display a window for entering the number of the line to reach in a multiline edit control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Multiline edit control
aafHistoryHFLogDisables the history of HFSQL records of a control linked to a data file.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Control linked to a data file
aafHistoryInputDisables input history.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected elements: Edit control, editable combo box
aafInternetSearchDisables the context menu option used to search the Internet.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected elements:
  • Edit control
  • Table control, TreeView Table control, Spreadsheet control and Pivot Table control
aafMagnifierOnTableNoInputNoSelectionUsed to keep the behavior of version 20 on the tables without edit not selection: the magnifier is not displayed in the column even if the "Magnifier" option is checked in the column description window.

Android This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control
aafModifyInputValueWithWheelDisables the modification of the value in numeric edit controls with the mouse wheel.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Numeric Edit control
aafModifyProgressGanttTaskDisables the modification of the progress value of a task in a Gantt Chart column.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafOpenDisables the context menu option used to open a file.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafOpenLocationDisables the context menu option used to open the directory containing the file.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafOpenWithDisables the context menu option used to open a file by selecting the software.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafPDFDeleteCurrentPageDisables the context menu option that allows users to delete the current page in a PDF Reader control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: PDF Reader control.
aafPrintFileDisables the context menu option used to print a file.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafPrintOrganizerDisables the context menu option used to print the content of Organizer control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Organizer control
aafPrintPvtDisables the context menu option to print the content of the Pivot Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafPrintReportOnTableDisables the "Print" option in the context menu of Table and TreeView Table controls.
This constant also disables the "Print" option in the context menu of Gantt Chart columns.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Table and TreeView Table control
aafPrintScheduleDisables the context menu option used to print the content of a Scheduler control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Scheduler control
aafPrintSpreadsheetDisables the context menu option used to print the content of the Spreadsheet control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Spreadsheet control
aafPvtCollapseAllDisables the option to collapse the entire content of the Pivot Table control.

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafPvtExpandAllDisables the option to expand the entire content of the Pivot Table control.

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafPvtRememberGroupDisables the option to save the configuration of groups.

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafPvtRestoreGroupDisables the option to restore the initial configuration of groups.
aafQuestionMarkMenuDisables the context menu option corresponding to the "?" menu.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Window
aafRateDDWDisables the option to modify the DDW (Dimmed Disabled Window) dim rate). The corresponding menu options and the shortcuts (Ctrl + Alt + [+] or Ctrl + Alt [-]) cannot be used anymore.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafRemoveFilterDisables the "Remove filter" option in the context menu of columns in Table and TreeView Table controls with an active filter.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table and TreeView Table control
aafRepositionableNoteDisables the option to create repositionable notes.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Affected element: Window
aafResizeRowHeightDisables the option for the user to resize the rows vertically. This option must have been enabled in the description of the Table control.
Applies to: Table control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafRTFToolbarDisables the context menu used to display the RTF toolbar of RTF Edit controls.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: RTF Edit control
  • Disables the context menu option used to save the content of Spreadsheet control in an xlsx file.
  • Disables the context menu option used to save the Dashboard control as an image.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to:
  • Spreadsheet control
  • Dashboard control
aafSaveBreakStatusDisables the context menu option used to store the status of breaks.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control, Looper control
aafSaveFilterAndSortDisables the menu options used to store filters and sorts in a Table control.
Applies to: Table control
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafSaveSizeAndPositionDisables size and position saving for windows and window controls (Splitter, Table, Toolbar control).

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Window
aafSaveValueDisables the feature that saves the values of persistent controls in the window. This AAF can be disabled for a control or a window (in this case, the option is deleted from the context menus of all window controls).
Affected elements: Window, Edit control, List Box control, Editable Combo Box control, Radio Button control or Check Box control
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafSchAutoScrollDisables the automatic scroll of scheduler when moving an appointment.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Scheduler control
aafSendFileByEmailDisables the context menu option used to send a file by email. This file can be:
  • the file whose path is in an Edit control.
  • the Organizer.pdf file that represents the printed version of the Organizer control.
  • the Scheduler.pdf file that represents the printed version of the Scheduler control.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to:
  • File path Edit control.
  • Organizer control.
  • Scheduler control.
aafSortListOrComboDisables the context menu option used to sort the content of a List Box or Combo Box control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: List Box or Combo Box control.
aafSortTVTableKeepHierarchyChanges the sort method in the TreeView Table controls. By default, the sort on columns keeps the hierarchy: only the leaves are sorted.
This constant is used to changer this behavior and to sort the nodes and leaves level by level.

Android This constant is not available.

Applies to: TreeView Table control.
aafSpeechRecognitionDisables speech recognition.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
aafSpellCheckDisables the use of Word spelling checker for an edit control.
Remark: This feature requires Word 2000 (or later) on the user computer. This feature does not work with Word 97.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Edit control
aafTableToExcelDisables the export of Table control content or content selection to Excel or to OpenOffice Calc (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control, TreeView control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
aafTableToWordDisables the export of Table control content or content selection to Word or to OpenOffice Writer (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control, TreeView control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
aafTableToXMLDisables the export of Table control content or content selection to XML.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table control, TreeView control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
aafUncheckAllDisables the context menu used to check/uncheck all rows in a Check Box column of a Table control.

AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
  • Disables the option to zoom in a Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box control.
    Applies to: Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box controls.
  • Disables the option to zoom in a window.
    Applies to: Window.
AndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.

Running an automatic feature

To run an automatic feature, use AAFExecute.

Deleting AAFs

To delete the options that correspond to AAFs in the context menu of a control, use ContextMenu.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 02/02/2024

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