- Overview
- Animating the Image controls and the Static controls
- Animation of controls
- Animation of windows
Animation management functions
Several WLanguage functions are used to manage the animations. You can: - manage the animation in the Image controls and in the Static controls.
- animate the modification of controls.
- animate the move from a window to another one.
Animating the Image controls and the Static controls These functions are used to manage the animation of an image in an Image control or the animation of a text in a Static control. | | AnimationGetParameter | Reads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image or Static control | AnimationSetMode | Changes the type of animation for an image in an Image control or a text in a Static control (the parameters specific to the new type can be changed with AnimationSetParameter) | AnimationSetParameter | Changes the animation parameter for an image displayed in an Image control or for a text displayed in a Static control | WinDisableEffect | Disables the visual effects of the graphic engine of WINDEV (for a use in TSE mode for example). This function is useful when an application must be run on a computer with limited graphic capacities or for the TSE mode if the bandwidth is limited. |
For more details, see Animating a Static control and Animating an image. These functions are used to animate the modification of one or more controls by programming.
| | AnimationEnabled | Enables or disables the animations in the controls (animations defined in the project or by programming). | AnimationMinFPS | Configures the minimum number of images per second in order for the animations (transition effects) to be enabled in the controls. | AnimationPlay | Plays an animation when a control, a group of controls or a window is modified. | AnimationPlayOnControlProperty | Animates the modification of an integer property between 2 values. | AnimationPrepare | Prepares the animation on a control, a group of controls or a window. Then, the animation will be played by AnimationPlay. |
Several functions are used to play an animation when the status of a control (or group of controls) changes: | | ControlEnabled | Enables a control or a group of controls in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. | ControlGrayed | Grays a control or a group of controls. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. | ControlInvisible | Makes a control (or a group of controls) invisible in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. | ControlVisible | Makes a control (or a group of controls) visible in a window. During this operation, an animation can be performed on the controls. |
These functions allow you to animate the move from a window to another one. For more details, see Animation of windows. | | WinAnimationClosing | Modifies the type and duration of the animation used when closing the application windows. | WinAnimationNext | Modifies the type and duration of animations used when opening and closing the next window. | WinAnimationOpening | Modifies the type and duration of animations used when opening the application windows. |
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