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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Managing emails
  • Principle
  • Steps to follow
  • Writing an email with an Email variable
  • Writing an email with the Email structure
  • Examples
  • Example that uses EmailImportHTML
  • Example that uses the Email structure
  • Using the EML format to customize emails
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Stored procedures
Two methods can be used to manage the emails in WLanguage:
  • the Email structure, which allows you to easily handle messages.
    In this case, to write an email, you must use the different variables of Email structure.
  • the advanced Email type, which offers advanced functionalities (data binding, serialization, multiple instances, etc.).
    In this case, to write an email, you must declare and initialize a variable of type Email. The possible attachments will be declared in the emailAttach variables and added to the Attach property of the Email variable.
When sending the message (EmailSendMessage), the data found in the email variable or structure will constitute the outgoing message.
Steps to follow

Writing an email with an Email variable

To write an email with an Email variable:
  1. Declare and initialize a variable of type Email by specifying the recipients and subject with the Recipient, Cc, Bcc and Subject properties, for example.
    To manage a conversation follow-up, specify the MessageID property as well.
  2. If the email is in text format:
    • Initialize the Message property with the text of the email.
    • Specify the attached files if necessary by declaring variables of type emailAttach and adding them to the Attach property of the variable representing the email.
  3. If the email is in HTML format: Use the EmailImportHTML function to initialize the various email properties. If the email contains images or media files, they will be automatically added in attachment and the content of HTML email will be modified to support the attachments.
    Java The EmailImportHTML function is not available. You must use the method that uses the Email structure presented below.
  4. Specify additional headers if necessary via the Header property.
  5. Send the email with EmailSendMessage. If the subject (or one of the email elements) contains special characters or accented characters, use the emailOptionEncodeHeader constant when the message is sent by EmailSendMessage. The email is sent to the server. The server stores the email until the session is closed. During this closing, the email is actually sent to the recipients.
WINDEV Remark: You can track the progress of the email sent using the EmailProgressBar function.

Writing an email with the Email structure

To write an email with the Email structure:
  1. Initialize the Email structure by specifying the recipients and subject with the Email.Recipient, Email.NbRecipient, Email.NbCc, Email.Cc and Email.Subject variables, for example.
    To follow the progress of conversion, fill Email.MessageID.
  2. If the email is in HTML format:
    • Case 1: the EmailImportHTML function is available:
      • Use EmailImportHTML to initialize the different variables of Email structure.
    • 2nd case: the EmailImportHTML function is not available:
      • Initialize the Email.Message and Email.HTML variables.
        Note: For e-mail systems that don't support HTML, we advise you to send your message in Text format.
      • Analyze the HTML message to detect all media files included in the message.
      • For each media file found:
        • Create an attached file. This attached file corresponds to the media file (Email.Attach and Email.NbAttach variables).
        • Create an identifier (Email.AttachIdentifier). This identifier must have the following format "wdcid"+number of attached file. For example, WDCID5 if the corresponding file is the fifth attached file.
        • Find the multimedia file in the HTML message and replace its name with the string: "cid: "+Email.IdentifiantAttache.
          For example:
          Original HTML code: <IMG src="C:\MesImages\Image.gif">
          HTML code replaced: <IMG src="cid:WDCID5">
  3. Send the email with EmailSendMessage.
    Note: If the subject (or one of the email elements) contains special characters or accents, use the constant emailOptionEncodeEntête when sending the message with the EmailSendMessage function.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWindowsLinuxUser code (UMC)

Example that uses EmailImportHTML

This example is used to send an email containing images:
// Ouverture d'une session SMTP
MaSession is emailSMTPSession
MaSession.ServerAddress = ""
// Construction du message
MonTexteHTML 	is string
MonMessage is Email
MonTexteHTML = fLoadText("C:\Email\MonCourrier.htm")
EmailImportHTML(MonMessage, MonTexteHTML, "C:\Email")
MonMessage.Recipient = ""
MonMessage.Subject = "Test"
// Envoi du message
EmailSendMessage(MaSession, MonMessage, emailOptionEncodeHeader)

Example that uses the Email structure

This example is used to replace the references to the media files (images, sounds, ...) found in the Email.HTML variable by their "CID" identifiers. This procedure is called for each file found.
PROCEDURE SetFichierAttache(NomFichier, Indice)
Email.Attach[Indice] = NomFichier
Email.NbAttach ++
// Remplacer dans Email.HTML toutes les références aux fichiers attachés 
// par l'identifiant cid
CID is string = "cid:wdcid" + Indice
// Le fichier html n'a pas forcément été créé dans le répertoire en cours
// Il peut référencer les fichiers attachés dans des chemins quelconques
// On extrait donc le nom du fichier sans chemin
NomSimple is string = fExtraitChemin(NomFichier, fFile + fExtension)
// Rechercher le nom du fichier dans Email.HTML
Pos is int = 0
PosDébut, PosFin are int
SousChaîne is string
Pos = Position(Email.HTML, NomSimple, Pos)
IF Pos <> 0 THEN
	PosFin = Pos + Length(NomSimple)
	// Rechercher la position du début de la référence
	// Rechercher le délimiteur "
	Pos --
	SousChaîne = Email.HTML[[Pos]]
	WHILE Pos > 1 AND SousChaîne <> """"
	   Pos --
	   SousChaîne = Email.HTML[[Pos]]
	PosDébut = Pos + 1
	// Remplacer
	SousChaîne = Middle(Email.HTML, PosDébut, PosFin - PosDébut)
	Email.HTML = Replace(Email.HTML, SousChaîne, CID)
Using the EML format to customize emails
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWindowsUser code (UMC) In some cases, the structure of outgoing emails may not correspond to the requested information.
For example:
  • The communication with some organizations (emails for SESAM-VITALE) may require specific structures.
  • You may also want to use a specific character set (for a non-latin language).
  • You may want to specify a return address that differs from the sender address.
To customize these emails, WLanguage allows you to create the buffer of the email, to modify it and to send this email.
The following functions are used:
  • EmailImportSource: This functions is used to read an existing EML file and to automatically fill the variables of the Email structure.
  • EmailBuildSource: This function is used to generate the source code of an email. This function allows you to entirely define the source code of email by using the flexibility of Email structure.
  • EmailSend: This functions sends a "buffer" in EML format containing the structured email (created by EmailBuildSource for example).
Related Examples:
WD Mail Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Mail
[ + ] This application is an email client developed in WINDEV. It is based on the Email objects.
This email client is used to retrieve and send emails by using the POP, IMAP and SMTP protocols.
You have the ability to apply filters to the incoming emails.

The application can also be used to manage several email accounts. The writing of an email is based on the HTML edit control.
WD Mailshot Training (WINDEV): WD Mailshot
[ + ] This example explains how to send a mailshot with WINDEV.

This example is used to type the subject of the message, its content and its attachments.
Then, the user must select the customers to which the message will be sent.
The WLanguge EmailSendMessage() function is used to send the message to each selected customer.
Technical implementation:
An email server compatible with POP3/SMTP must necessarily be accessible from the computer on which the application is run.
Sending an email in HTML format Unit examples (WINDEV): Sending an email in HTML format
[ + ] Using the WLanguage "EmailImportHTML" function.
This function is used to import an HTML file into the email structure. This allows you to easily add images into the emails.
WW_CMS Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_CMS
[ + ] This example is an example of CMS (Content Management System).
This is a site for content management, typically a site for displaying some articles.

This example is divided into 2 parts:
- An AWP part for the part that must be referenced
- A WEBDEV part for the management part

In order for some features of the example to operate (sending emails for example), the parameters must be modified in order to adapt them to your configuration.
These parameters are stored as constants defined in the code of the project.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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