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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Managing emails
  • The attached files
  • Progress Bar
  • Outlook messaging
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Stored procedures
Reads the email found before the current email:
  • POP3 or IMAP protocol: the e-mail is stored in the mailbox on the mail server.
  • WINDEV or via the MS Exchange client: the email is present on the local workstation in the MS Exchange IncomingData inbox.
  • WINDEV via Lotus Notes or Outlook e-mail software: the e-mail is present on the local workstation in the Lotus Notes or Outlook inbox.
The Email.Out variable is set to True if no email is found.
Reminder: Before reading an email, it is necessary to open a session with the EmailStartSession, EmailStartNotesSession or EmailStartOutlookSession function..
Java The POP3 protocol can only be used to read emails.
// Read the last email 
// Read the emails (from the last one to the first one)
WHILE Email.Out = False
	// Asks the user whether he wants to read the message
	IF Confirm("Message from " + Email.Sender + ...
			"Do you want to read this message?") THEN
		// Opens the window for viewing the message
		// Read the previous email

Reading the previous email managed by the POP3 or IMAP protocol Hide the details

<Result> = EmailReadPrevious(<Session> [, <Email>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the message was read. In this case, the email structure is automatically updated.
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
The Email.Out variable is set to True if no messages (no emails) have been found and ErrorOccurred remains set to False.
<Session>: Character string, or emailPOP3Session or emailIMAPSession variable
Identifies the user session. Corresponds to:
Java Variables of type emailPOP3Session and emailIMAPSession are not supported.
<Email>: Optional Email variable
Name of the Email variable to be initialized with the message content.
Java This parameter is not available
If this parameter is not specified, the Email structure is used.
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

Reading the last email managed via MS Exchange, Lotus Notes or Outlook Hide the details

<Result> = EmailReadPrevious(<Session> [, <Email> [, <Read mode>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the message was read. In this case, the email structure is automatically updated.
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
The Email.Out variable is set to True if no messages (no emails) have been found and ErrorOccurred remains set to False.
<Session>: Integer, or emailOutlookSession or emailNotesSession variable
Identifier of the current email session. This identifier can be:
<Email>: Optional Email variable
Name of the Email variable to be initialized with the message content.
If this parameter is not specified, the Email structure is used.
<Read mode>: Optional constant or character string
Indicates the messages that will be read:
emailAll or "ALL"
(Default value)
All the messages will be read.
emailUnread or "UNREAD"Only the unread messages will be read.

The attached files

When reading a message, the files attached to this message can be copied to the local disk with EmailSaveAttachment.
Tip It is advisable to save messages and their attached files on the local disk and then delete them from the server. This operation is used to:
  • reduce the size of the mailbox on the server,
  • improve and streamline communications: only new messages will be read on the server.
WINDEVWindowsUser code (UMC)

Progress Bar

To track the progress of the email, use EmailProgressBar.

Outlook messaging

The WLanguage EmailReadxxx functions operate with the Outlook data file (.pst) only. The other data files are not supported.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 01/16/2025

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