Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Emulation functions
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Stored procedures
The emulation functions are used to emulate the different types of windows that may appear during an automated test. These functions, used in the code of the test, are used to perform an action. They prevent the test from being locked.
The emulation functions are as follows:
EmulateActionBarEmulates an Action Bar during the automated tests run on a mobile device (Android or iOS).
EmulateCheckBoxEmulates the selection of an option in a Check Box control.
EmulateComboEmulates one of the following actions on a Combo Box control:
  • click on the button to expand the list of the Combo Box control.
  • select an element in a Combo Box control.
EmulateConfirmEmulates the next call to Confirm and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter.
EmulateDialogEmulates the next call to Dialog and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter.
EmulateDnDEmulates a "Drag & Drop" gesture in automated tests.
EmulateErrorEmulates the next call to Error and automatically clicks the "OK" button.
EmulateInfoEmulates the next call to Info and automatically clicks the "OK" button.
EmulateInputPerforms an input by emulation in a control while checking whether this control is an editable control.
EmulateMenuEmulates the next menu that will be opened and automatically runs the menu option passed as parameter.
EmulateMouseSimulates a mouse event (left click, right click, double click, ...).
EmulateOKCancelEmulates the next call to OKCancel and automatically clicks the button passed in parameter.
EmulatePaneEmulates the selection of a pane in a Tab, Ribbon or Sidebar control.
EmulatePaneDockEmulates the integration of an undocked pane in the associated dynamic Tab control.
EmulatePaneUndockEmulates the undocking of a pane in a dynamic Tab control.
EmulateRadioButtonEmulates the selection of an option in a Radio Button control.
EmulateSimulatorEmulates the window of the mobile (Android/iOS) simulator.
EmulateSpeedDefines the runtime speed for the emulating functions.
EmulateWarningEmulates the next call to Warning and automatically clicks the "OK" button.
EmulateWindowIndicates the test that will be run during the next window opening.
EmulateYesNoEmulates the next call to YesNo and automatically clicks the button specified in parameter.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 01/23/2023

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