- Properties specific to the description of full-text indexes
- How to describe data files programmatically?
FullTextIndex description (Variable type) In french: Description d'IndexFullText (Type de variable)
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A FullTextIndex description variable is used to describe one or more full-text indexes programmatically. The characteristics of these indexes can be defined using different WLanguage propertiesTo add the description of this index into the description of a data file, use HDescribeFullTextIndex. The "FullTextIndex Description" variable is reinitialized and it can be used to describe another full-text index through programming. AFile is File Description
AnItem is Item Description
MyFullTextIndex is IndexFullText Description
CUSTOMER is Data Source
AFile.Name = "CUSTOMER"
AFile.Type = hFileNormal
AFile.FicEncryption = hEncryptionStandard
AnItem.Name = "LASTNAME"
AnItem.Type = hItemText
AnItem.Size = 40
AnItem.KeyType = hDuplicatesKey
HDescribeItem(AFile, AnItem)
AnItem.Name = "FIRSTNAME"
AnItem.Type = hItemText
AnItem.Size = 40
HDescribeItem(AFile, AnItem)
MyFullTextIndex.MinimumLength = 4
MyFullTextIndex.Name = "MyFullTextIndex"
MyFullTextIndex.Items = "LASTNAME+FIRSTNAME"
MyFullTextIndex.AccentSensitive = True
MyFullTextIndex.CaseSensitive = False
HDescribeFullTextIndex(AFile, MyFullTextIndex)
Declaring one or more FullTextIndex descriptions Hide the details
<Variable name> is FullTextIndex description <Variable name 1>, <Variable name 2> are FullTextIndex descriptions
<Variable name>: Name of the "hFullTextIndex Description" variable to declare.Remark: The a and an keywords are optional: they provide better readability. To describe a "FullTextIndex Description" variable: Use the WLanguage properties specific to the descriptions of full-text indexes. For more details, see remarks. To validate the description of a "FullTextIndex Description" variable: Use the HDescribeFullTextIndex function. Remarks Properties specific to the description of full-text indexes The table below presents the properties specific to the description of full-text indexes: | | | Name | Type used | Effect |
AccentSensitive | Boolean | Used to define and find out whether the punctuation (comma, dot, ...) is taken into account in the searches performed on the item | CaseSensitive | Boolean | Used to define and find out whether the case (uppercase/lowercase characters) is taken into account in the searches performed on the item. | Items | Character string | Used to define and find out the different items included in the full-text index. | ManageHTML | Boolean | Configures the management mode of the HTML format in a full-text index. | ManageRTF | Boolean | Configures the RTF management mode in a full-text index. | MinimumLength | Integer | Used to define and find out the minimum length of the words to index. | Name | Character string | Mandatory property used to define and find out the name of the full-text index item. | Option | Integer constant | Used to define specific options on the full-text index item. This property can correspond to: - the hftPunctuationUnicode constant to take into account the specific features of the Unicode punctuation.
- the hftPunctuationSimple constant not to take into account the specific features of the Unicode punctuation.
| Stemming | Integer constant | Mandatory property used to define the language in which the stemming must be performed. | StopWord | Character string | Used to define the empty words not to index. | Synonym | Character string | Used to define the synonyms taken into account during the indexing. |
How to describe data files programmatically? To describe data files programmatically: - Declare the variables of type "File Description", "Item Description", "FullTextIndex Description" and "Link description" (if necessary).
- For each data file:
- If necessary, describe the characteristics of the links using HFSQL properties.
- If necessary, validate the description of each link (HDescribeLink).
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