Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL Client/Server functions
  • Characteristics of backup:
  • Rights required to add a scheduled backup
  • Operations on a scheduled backup
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Stored procedures
Adds a scheduling for full backup (with or without differential backup) on the server defined by the connection. This backup scheduling was defined by an hBackupDescription variable.
DatabaseConnection is Connection

// Create a scheduled backup every 5 minutes 
// with a differential backup every minute
hBck is hBackupDescription
hBck.Enabled = True
hBck.WithIndex = True
hBck.Description = "Scheduled backup every N minutes with " + ...
	"an incremental backup every minut on the " + ...
	DBConnection.Database + " created on "+ ...
	DateToString(DateSys(), maskDateSystem) + " at "+  ...
	TimeToString(TimeSys(), "HH:MM:SS:CC")
hBck.Destination = "Backup_" + DBConnection.Database
hBck.LimitNumberBackups = 2
hBck.Source = DatabaseConnection.Database
hBck.SchedulingFull.Month = "*"
hBck.SchedulingFull.DayOfMonth = "*"
// Define the scheduling
dtServerDateTime is DateTime = HInfoServer(DBConnection,hInfoDate)
hBck.SchedulingFull.Hour = dtServerDateTime.Hour
hBck.SchedulingFull.Minute = dtServerDateTime.Minute
hBck.SchedulingFull.DayOfWeek = "*"
hBck.SchedulingFull.DayOfMonthOrDayOfWeek = False
hBck.SchedulingDifferential.Month = "*"
hBck.SchedulingDifferential.DayOfMonth = "*"
hBck.SchedulingDifferential.Hour = "*"
hBck.SchedulingDifferential.Minute = "*"
hBck.SchedulingDifferential.DayOfWeek = "*"
hBck.SchedulingDifferential.DayOfMonthOrDayOfWeek = False

// Add the scheduled backup
IF HAddScheduledBackup(DBConnection, hBck) = False THEN
	Error("Failure creating the scheduled backup", ...
<Result> = HAddScheduledBackup(<Connection> , <Scheduled backup>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the scheduled backup was added,
  • False otherwise.
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable
Connection for which a scheduled backup will be added. This connection corresponds to:
<Scheduled backup>: hBackupDescription variable
Name of the hBackupDescription variable used.

Characteristics of backup:

  • Saving the content of an HFSQL server: all databases on the server, one or more databases, one or more data files. This backup can be performed even if one or more databases are currently used.
  • The database will be backed up at its state at the beginning of the backup: the backed up database is consistent. Some operations are not allowed during the backup: deleting files or databases, updating stored procedures.
  • The backup description is performed via the hBackupDescription variable. You can define:
    • a stored procedure to run BEFORE the backup. This procedure can cancel the backup if necessary.
    • a stored procedure to run AFTER the backup.

Rights required to add a scheduled backup

To add a scheduled backup, the user or user group must have:
  • the rights to perform backups (hRightsBackup constant). These rights apply to the servers and to the databases. For example, to perform a full server backup, you must have the rights to perform backups at server level.
  • the rights to manage the tasks (hRightsManageTask constant).
To find out whether a user or a group of users has sufficient rights, use HInfoServerRights or HInfoDatabaseRights.
To modify the rights granted to a user or group of users, use HModifyServerRights or HModifyDatabaseRights.

Operations on a scheduled backup

Several functions are used to handle a scheduled backup:
You can also:
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 15
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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