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Stored procedures
Copies the screen contents to a variable of type Image or to an Image control.
// Copies the screen contents to an Image variable
MyImage is Image 
MyImage = dCopyScreenImage()
// Assignment in an Image control
IMG_Image = MyImage

Capturing a screenshot by specifying the coordinates of a specific area Hide the details

<Result> = dCopyScreenImage([<X> [, <Y> [, <Width> [, <Height>]]]])
<Result>: Image or Binary Buffer variable
  • Name of the Image variable that will contain the screenshot
  • Binary buffer corresponding to the image. This buffer can be directly assigned to an Image control.
<X>: Optional integer
X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the area to be captured (0 by default, i.e., upper-left corner of screen 1).
<Y>: Optional integer
Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the area to be captured (0 by default, i.e., upper-left corner of screen 1).
<Width>: Optional integer
Width (in pixels) of the area to be captured (width of the screen by default).
<Height>: Optional integer
Height (in pixels) of the area to be captured (height of the screen by default).

Capturing a screenshot by defining the source area with a Rectangle variable Hide the details

<Result> = dCopyScreenImage([<Area to be copied>])
<Result>: Image or Binary Buffer variable
  • Name of the Image variable that will contain the screenshot
  • Binary buffer corresponding to the image. This buffer can be directly assigned to an Image control.
<Area to be copied>: Rectangle variable
Name of the Rectangle variable that corresponds to the rectangular area to be captured.
Caution: If the "Allow window screenshot" option is not enabled for a WINDEV window ("Details" tab in the description window), the image of the window will be blacked out. You can change this option programmatically, using the ScreenshotAllowed property.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300pnt.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 17
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Last update: 06/13/2024

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