Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Dashboard functions
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Stored procedures
Restores the configuration of a Dashboard control. This configuration includes the following elements:
  • position of internal windows or pages in the Dashboard control.
  • size of internal windows or pages in the Dashboard control.
  • visibility of internal windows or pages in the Dashboard control.
Remark: To automatically save or restore the user configuration, check "Remember configuration of Widgets" in the "Details" tab of the control description window.
// Asks the user for the configuration that will be loaded
sFile is string
// Opens the file picker
sFile = fSelect("", "", "Select a configuration file...",...
"Dashboard configuration" + TAB + "*.dashconf", "*.dashconf")
// If a file is selected
IF sFile <> "" THEN
// Retrieves the configuration found in the file
sConfiguration is string = fLoadText(sFile)
// Loads the configuration
IF DashLoadConfiguration(DASH_Dashboard, sConfiguration) THEN
ToastDisplay("The configuration was loaded", toastShort, vaMiddle, haCenter)
Error("Error while loading the configuration", ErrorInfo())
WEBDEV - Server code
// Get a file that was saved beforehand
IF fFileExist(fWebDir() + ["\"] + "DashConfig.tdb") THEN
sMyConfig = fLoadText(fWebDir() + ["\"] + "DashConfig.tdb")
DashLoadConfiguration(DASH_TimeZones, sMyConfig)
AndroidiPhone/iPadMac Catalyst
// Get a file that was saved beforehand
IF fFileExist(fCurrentDir() + ["\"] + "DashConfig.tdb") THEN
sMyConfig = fLoadText(fCurrentDir() + ["\"] + "DashConfig.tdb")
DashLoadConfiguration(DASH_TimeZones, sMyConfig)
<Result> = DashLoadConfiguration(<Dashboard control> , <Configuration>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the configuration was loaded.
  • False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Dashboard control>: Control name
Name of the Dashboard control to be used.
<Configuration>: Character string
Configuration to restore. This configuration is the result of DashSaveConfiguration.
Caution: If the format of this parameter is invalid or if it cannot be applied to the Dashboard control (because the internal windows/pages or the number of columns do not correspond for example), <Result> is set to False.
The widgets declared visible since the last backup must be visible when loading the configuration.
Related Examples:
WD Dashboard Training (WINDEV): WD Dashboard
[ + ] The "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget,
- etc.
WW_Dashboard Training (WEBDEV): WW_Dashboard
[ + ] The "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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