Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Mobile specific functions / Phone functions
  • Overview
  • Steps to follow
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Push notification: iOS configuration
To use the Push notifications in iOS, you must have a Google account and you must perform a specific configuration.
This help page presents the different operations to perform.
Caution: It is not possible to test Push notifications on an iOS application running with WMDev. Indeed, the WINDEV Mobile application must be compiled in Mac to have the certificate required for Push notifications.
Steps to follow
The different steps are as follows:
1. Enabling the push notifications
To enable the Push notifications, connect to the "provisioning portal" of iOS and retrieve the certificates associated with the push.
To do so, connect to the portal and click "+" at the top right:
The portal proposes to create a certificate:
Two certificates must be created:
  • a certificate for the test notifications ("SandBox").
  • a certificate for the notifications in release.
You can now retrieve the two generated ".cer" files.
2. Installing the certificates
These certificates must be installed on the Mac used to generate the iOS application. This computer will also receive the push notifications.
To install the certificates:
  • Double-click the file name. The certificate is automatically added into the keychain access:
  • Export the certificates: Select "Export" in the context menu (right mouse click) of certificates. A window is displayed:
  • It is important to export in "p12" format in order for the private key to be found inside the certificate.
  • A password can be specified to protect the exported certificate.
3. Programming the application
Once the certificate has been exported, it can be used:
// TopicID is the bundle identifier specified in the "General" section
// of the Xcode project generation wizard
TopicID is string = "com.pcsoft.myiosproject"
t is array of Buffers
MyNotif is Notification
MyNotif.Message = "Test notification"

ResponseList is WDPushServer.ListIdentifiersAPNResponse

ResponseList = WDPushServer.ListIdentifiersAPN()

FOR i = 1 _TO_ ResponseList.ListIdentifiersAPNResult..Count
bufTest is Buffer = ResponseList.ListIdentifiersAPNResult[i]
Add(t, bufTest)

NotifPushSend(MyNotif, t, "C:\My Certificates\aps_production.p12", "pwd", 
TopicID, typeServiceIOSTest)
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 02/27/2024

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