awSendInfo (Function) In french: awEnvoieInfo Sends an information from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely). MyBuffer is Buffer = "Text buffer"
IF NOT awSendInfo(MyBuffer) THEN
<Result> = awSendInfo(<Data>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the sending was successful
- False otherwise. ErrorInfo returns more details about the error.
<Data>: Buffer Data to send. Remarks - The receiver will receive the data sent via the procedure passed to awProcedureGetInfo.
- If the data has not changed since the previous call, the receiver procedure will not be called.
- The data or information sent is considered volatile: each successive call replaces the data sent by the previous call..
- The data is transferred in background to reduce the use of the battery. Therefore, the data can be transmitted quite a long time after the effective call.
- The data sent must be preferably small (to avoid overloading the communication between the watch and the phone).