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<Dashboard>.Display (Function)
In french: <Tableau de bord>.Affiche
AjaxNot available
Refreshes elements in a Dashboard control.
// Ajout d'une commande et rafraîchissement du champ Tableau de bord.

Refreshing the display of a wigdet identified by its name Hide the details

<Dashboard control>.Display([<Widget>])
<Dashboard control>: Control name
Name of the Dashboard control to be used.
<Widget>: Optional name of internal window or internal page
  • WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code Name of internal page to update.
If this parameter is not specified, all internal windows/pages handled by the Dashboard control are updated.

Refreshing the display of a wigdet identified by its index Hide the details

<Dashboard control>.Display([<Subscript>])
<Dashboard control>: Control name
Name of the Dashboard control to be used.
<Subscript>: Optional integer
Index of the widget to update.
If this parameter is not specified, all internal windows/pages handled by the Dashboard control are updated.
  • <Dashboard>.Display runs the "Refresh widget" event for the specified widget or for all widgets displayed in the Dashboard control.
  • The "Widget refresh" event may not be executed immediately: it is only executed when the hand is returned to the user (end of running code or call to function Multitask, for example)..
  • If several calls to <Dashboard>.Display are performed before giving control back, the refresh events will be run once only.
Related Examples:
WD Dashboard Training (WINDEV): WD Dashboard
[ + ] The "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget,
- etc.
WW_Dashboard Training (WEBDEV): WW_Dashboard
[ + ] The "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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