RandomCryptoInteger (Function) In french: HasardCryptoEntier Returns a random number that can be used with the cryptographic technologies. // Retrieve an integer included between 0 and 2 147 483 647 ResRandom = RandomCryptoInteger() // Retrieve an integer included between 0 and 34 ResRandom = RandomCryptoInteger(34) // Retrieve an integer included between 7 and 21 ResRandom = RandomCryptoInteger(7, 21)
Syntax <Result>: Integer - Random integer (included between 0 and 2 147 483 647),
- -1 if an error occurred.
Calculating a random number with an upper bound Hide the details
<Result> = RandomCryptoInteger(<Upper bound>)
<Result>: Integer - Random integer (included between 0 and the upper bound, inclusive)
- -1 if an error occurred.
<Upper bound>: Integer Upper bound of returned number (included between 1 and 2 147 483 647).
Calculating a random number with a lower bound and an upper bound Hide the details
<Result> = RandomCryptoInteger(<Lower bound> , <Upper bound>)
<Result>: Integer - Random integer (included between the lower and upper bounds, inclusive),
- -1 if an error occurred.
<Lower bound>: Integer Lower bound of returned number (included between 0 and 2 147 483 647) <Upper bound>: Integer Upper bound of returned number (included between 1 and 2 147 483 647) Remarks - The first call to the function can be quite long (about one second) because initializing the random mechanism is very complex.
- InitRandom has no effect on the result of RandomCryptoInteger.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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