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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Date and time functions
  • Properties specific to Chrono variables
  • WLanguage functions that use the Chrono type
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Stored procedures
The Chrono type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a stopwatch. You can define and change the characteristics of this stopwatch using different WLanguage properties.
Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
New in version 2025
WEBDEV - Browser code This type of variable is now available in browser code.
c is Chrono
// Code à chronométrer

Properties specific to Chrono variables

The following properties can be used to handle Chrono variables:
Property nameType usedEffect
  • True if the stopwatch is started,
  • False otherwise.
This property is read-only.
ValueDuration Timed elapsed.
Note: This property corresponds to the result of the ChronoValue function..
This property is read-only.

WLanguage functions that use the Chrono type

  • The following functions use the Chrono type:
    ChronoEndStops a stopwatch and returns the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the start of timing (call to ChronoStart).
    ChronoPausePauses a stopwatch in order to measure the time spent on a process.
    ChronoResetStops and resets a running stopwatch.
    ChronoResumeRestarts a stopwatch that was stopped by ChronoEnd or ChronoPause.
    ChronoStartStarts a stopwatch to measure the duration of a process (in milliseconds) and resets a running stopwatch.
    ChronoValueIndicates the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the call to ChronoStart.
  • The following functions use the Chrono type (prefix syntax):
    <Chrono>.EndStops a stopwatch and returns the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the start of timing (call to <Chrono>.Start).
    <Chrono>.PausePauses a stopwatch in order to measure the time spent on a process.
    <Chrono>.ResetStops and resets a running stopwatch.
    <Chrono>.ResumeResumes a stopwatch previously stopped by <Chrono>.Fin or <Chrono>.Pause.
    <Chrono>.StartStarts a stopwatch to measure the duration of a process (in milliseconds) and resets a running stopwatch.
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 09/19/2024

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