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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Drop-down menus / WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile
  • Overview
  • Context menu in the Currency + Euro controls
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Users can open the context menu of a window:
  • WINDEVJava by pressing the right mouse button.
  • AndroidiPhone/iPad by a long press on the control.
This menu allows users to easily access specific features of a window or control.
WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to manage several types of context menus:
  • Custom context menus. These menus are created in the window editor and can be manipulated programmatically.
    For more details, see Custom context menu.
  • WINDEV AAF context menus (Automatic Application Features) managed by WINDEV. These context menus are displayed when you right-click some types of controls (Edit, Chart, Table controls, etc.). These context menus allow the end user to use the automatic features of the application.
    For more details on the AAFs, see Automatic Application Features.
    Linux AAF context menus are only available on Table controls.
  • System context menus (Android, Windows, etc.). These context menus are displayed on some types of controls (ActiveX, etc.).
    For more details, see System context menu.
    Linux System context menus are not available.
Example of a custom context menu:
Example of a context menu:
Note: In a WEBDEV page, it is also possible to manage context menus using the Context menu field..
Context menu in the Currency + Euro controls
WINDEV In "Currency + Euro" controls (Edit controls, column of a Table control, etc.), a context menu can allow users to choose the currency. This context menu presents the result of the conversion for the value entered in the different currencies.
If this context menu is available for the users, the context menu associated with the control will be ignored.
To enable this system context menu:
  1. Open the description window of the "Currency + Euro" Edit control.
  2. On the "Details" tab, in the "Management of Euros" section, click "Options".
  3. In the window that appears, check "Currency modifiable via a popup menu" and confirm. Validate the window.
  4. Validate the control description window.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/14/2024

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