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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Table control
  • Overview
  • Detail of "UI" tab options
  • Initial state of the Table control
  • Selection mode ("UI" tab)
  • Manage the filling of a table field programmatically ("UI" tab)
  • Display line details in an internal window ("UI" tab)
  • Detail of "Detail" tab options
  • Scrollbar settings
  • Column display options ("Detail" tab)
  • Options retained for compatibility with older versions ("Detail" tab)
  • Forcing the title to be single-line
  • 5.5-compatible input mode
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Table controls allow you to display and/or enter data. This data can be retrieved from a data source, a WLanguage variable or be defined programmatically.
The Table field description window displays the characteristics of both the Table field and a Table field column..
The main characteristics of a Table field in a window are as follows:
  • In the "General" tab:
    • WINDEV Field orientation:
      In a WINDEV application window, a table field can be horizontal or vertical..
    • WINDEV Search mode:
      It is possible to define the default search mode, proposed in the various columns of the Table field: a search or a "Contains" type filter..
    • WINDEV Calculations on columns:
      You can define the type of calculation to be performed on the columns and the location of the result.. For more details, see Calculations in the columns of a Table control.
    • Column anchoring:
      Column docking lets you define which column will be enlarged when the window is resized.. This column is automatically enlarged.. Multiple columns can be anchored.
  • In the "UI" tab:
  • In the "Details" tab:
You can also define the data source displayed in the control. For more details, see Content of the Table control.
Detail of "UI" tab options

Initial state of the Table control

The initial state of a Table field can be:
Initial state of the Table control
This initial state is defined when the field is created and can be modified at any time in the "UI" tab of the Table field description window.
The different possibilities are as follows:
  • Visible: Table field will be visible or not. This option can be modified using the Visible property.
  • Editable: The user can enter data in the various columns of the Edit control if these columns are being entered..
  • Selection (non-editable): The user will not be able to enter data in the Edit control columns.. However, they can select rows in the control: The row will be selected with the selection bar.
    Remark: The value in the Table field corresponds to the selected line.. The row selection code is executed each time a row is selected.
  • No edit, no selection: The user will not be able to enter data in the Edit control columns.. A row can only be selected using TableSelectPlus. This row will be selected with the selection bar. The user will not be able to change the position of the selection bar.
    Remark: The value in the Table field corresponds to the selected line..
    Conseil: This option is recommended when you need to highlight a line using the selection banner.
  • Grayed: The Table field and its columns will be grayed out.. The user will not be able to enter data in the control.

Selection mode ("UI" tab)

The selection modes define how the different elements of the Table control (rows, columns, cells, etc.) can be selected by the user or programmatically. The selection mode is defined when creating the control. It can be modified at any time in the "UI" tab of the Table control description window.
The available selection modes are as follows:
Selection modes
  • No selection: The selection banner will not be displayed, but the selected row, column or cell will be in focus (it will be surrounded by dotted lines).. A row, column or cell can be selected by clicking on it or programmatically.
  • Simple selection: The selected row, column or cell will appear below the selection banner.. A row, column or cell can be selected by clicking on it or programmatically.
  • Multiple selection: It is possible to select several rows, columns or cells of the Table field simultaneously:
    • with the Shift key if the rows, columns or cells are consecutive or with the Ctrl key if they are not consecutive.
    • programmatically.
      In this case, there will be as many selection bars as there are selected elements.
  • A WLanguage error will occur if you try to select multiple rows programmatically and the selection mode is set to "Single selection".
  • During a multiple selection by cell, to select a row, all the cells found in the row must be selected. To make this operation easier, you can define a row selector ("Style" tab, "Row selector" element, "Selector" option, "Left arrow").
The selected elements will be retrieved:
  • with the TableSelect function. You can use the tsRow, tsColumn, tsCellRow and tsCellColumn constants to retrieve information on the selected rows, columns and cells.
  • with the TableSelectCount function. You can use the tsRow, tsColumn, tsCellRow and tsCellColumn constants to retrieve the number of rows, columns and cells selected.
Example: The following example shows how to get the row and column number for the selected cells in the Table control.
// Retrieve the number of selected cells 
NbSelected is int 
NbSelected = TableSelectCount(TABLE_DetailedStats, tsCell) 
// Loop through the selected cells 
FOR i = 1 _TO_ NbSelected 
	// Retrieve the row and the column 
	nRow = TableSelect(TABLE_DetailedStats, i, tsCellRow) 
	nColumn = TableSelect(TABLE_DetailedStats, i, tsCellColumn) 
	// Process 

Java Only the row selection mode is available.

Manage the filling of a table field programmatically ("UI" tab)

When a Table control is populated programmatically, some specific information can be displayed:
  • Progress Bar,
  • Information window, etc.
To display information when populating a Table or TreeView Table control programmatically:
  1. Open the description window of the Table or TreeView Table control.
  2. In the "UI" tab of the control description window, check "Display an internal window over the rows".
  3. If necessary, specify the internal window to be used. It is possible to:
    • use the WINDEV default window ("None" option).
    • import the preset window into the project and customize it ("Preset window" option).
      If this option is selected, the WDAAF internal component is immediately added to the current project. The "IW_TableLoadStatus" internal window is automatically associated with the "Display an internal window over the rows" option.
      Note: If the WDFAA component already exists, only the window is added to the component..
  4. If necessary, validate the control description window.
  5. To enable this mechanism, call TableStartFilling and TableEndFilling to frame the code used to populate the Table control.
  • By default, the "No available data" message is displayed in the empty Table control. During the fill operation, an infinite progress bar is displayed at the bottom of the Table control.
  • The default internal window has 3 planes:
    • Plane 1 containing an infinite progress bar.
    • Plane 2 containing the caption displayed if the Table control is empty. The caption "No available data" is displayed by default.
    • Plane 3 containing the caption displayed before the call to TableStartFilling.
  • The "IW_TableLoadStatus" internal window can also be used to programmatically populate Looper controls.

Display line details in an internal window ("UI" tab)

A table row displays various information in its different columns. However, to get a more readable interface, why not display this information in a popup window?
To display a window corresponding to the details of a row found in a Table/TreeView Table control:
  1. Open the description window of the Table or TreeView Table control.
  2. In the "UI" tab of the control description window, in the "Internal window for row details" section, specify:
    • the internal window that will be used to display the row details. This internal window is an internal window of your project.
    • the left indent of the internal window (in relation to the control).
    • whether the internal window must be displayed when the row is hovered. In this case, the internal window will be displayed after a 1-second rollover.
  3. Confirm changes and close the description window.
  4. A "+" sign is displayed in the first column of the Table/TreeView Table control.
In execution:
  • A "+"/"-" sign allows the user to display/close the row details. This element can be customized via the table style ("Style" tab, "Image +/- IW for row details" element).
  • The row is enlarged in height to display the internal window. The internal window is displayed below the data found in the row.
Characteristics of internal window:
  • To get information about the Table/TreeView Table control that displays the details, the internal window must use the following prototype:
    PROCEDURE <Name of Internal Window>(<Parent table>, <Row number>)
    • Parent table: corresponds to the name of the Table or TreeView Table field that displayed the internal window..
    • Line number: corresponds to the number of the line that displayed the internal window..
    These parameters are automatically filled at runtime.
  • The internal window can contain all types of controls (including a Table control).
  • The internal window can be used to modify the information displayed in the Table control. In this case, you have the ability to use a button in the internal window allowing you to validate the modified data. The code of this button can be:
    TableDisplay(TableName, taCurrentSelection)
  • In the internal window, you have the ability to access the control of the parent table. For example, to access a control found in a Container column:
    gCTable[gnRowNum].BTN_Modify.State = Grayed
  • The fields in the internal window can be anchored: resizing the width of the table or the height of the current line acts on these anchors..
  • The captions of controls found in the internal window can have the "Text" color in order to adapt the color of these captions in row selection.
  • To display/close the internal window through programming, use TableExpand/TableCollapse.
  • The height of the row that displays the internal window corresponds to the initial height of the row plus the height of the internal window in edit mode (InitialHeight property).
  • The background image defined for the row is enlarged to correspond to the size of the expanded row.
  • Several properties are used to manage the characteristics of the internal window programmatically:
    IndentLineDetailsThe IndentLineDetails property is used to get or change the value of the left indent of the internal window that shows the details of a row of a Table control.
    WinLineDetailsThe WinLineDetails property allows you to get and change the name of the internal window used to display the details of a row in a Table control.
  • Special cases
    • This feature is not available for the Horizontal Table controls.
    • The interface of internal window cannot be modified by the end user.
Detail of "Detail" tab options

Scrollbar settings

By default, scrollbars adapt to the contents of Table controls (based on a data file, populated programmatically or based on a variable). The size of the scrollbar varies based on the number of elements to be displayed.
Caution: if a filter is used with a proportional scrollbar, the data source is scrolled in the background.. The "end of initialization" code will be executed at the end of the iteration. This process may take relatively long after opening the window, depending on the data source to loop through.
The scrollbar options are grouped in the "Details" tab of the Table control description:
Parameters of the scrollbar in a Table control
The "Scroll by pixel " option allows lines to be moved smoothly: instead of "jumping" from one line to another, the movement is made pixel by pixel: a "multiline" line in a Table field can be truncated if necessary for display.
Note: Disabling the proportional scrollbar disables line multi-selection..
WINDEV The "Finger Scroll" option indicates that the Table field accepts finger scrolling (if the display device is touch-sensitive).. This option is enabled by default in WINDEV Mobile for the new Table controls. In WINDEV, it is disabled by default.

Column display options ("Detail" tab)

There are multiple options to configure the display mode of the columns. These options are available in the "Details" tab of the description window of the Table control.
Column display options
These options are as follows:
  • Remember column configuration: This option memorizes column configuration (size, order, etc.) when the window or application is closed..
  • 'Select columns...' menu: This option displays a context menu so that the user can select which columns to show or hide in the Table field..
  • Multiline text columns: This option makes text columns multiline.. Thus, the entire text is displayed in the cell, regardless of how long it is.
  • Maximum number of lines displayed in a row: In the line of a Table field, several lines can be displayed. This option sets the maximum number of lines a cell can display, to prevent content from spreading over too many lines, making the row unnecessarily high.
  • Number of columns fixed to the left: This option specifies the number of columns fixed on the left.. These columns will remain visible on the left side of the control and cannot be moved. The user will not be able to hide these columns using the horizontal scrollbar.
    The user can also freeze or unfreeze columns via the "Padlock" cursor or the "Freeze columns on the left" option in the context menu of the column title. For more details, see Freezing columns in Table controls.
    You can also freeze a column programmatically with TableFixColumn.
  • WINDEV Angle for the title of columns: For columns with a large title and reduced content, it is possible to reduce the column size by tilting the column title (or, for example, by moving it directly to the vertical).. To do so, specify the desired angle in the "Details" tab of the control description. This option can be modified using the OrientationTitle property.
  • WINDEV Edit column title-headers: Column overheads can be defined.. A column title-header is an additional title displayed above the title of one or more columns. For more details, see Managing titles of columns in a Table control.
Note: Column titles are multiline by default.. The height of the header fits automatically to the number of lines. The titles of the columns support RTF.
Options retained for compatibility with older versions ("Detail" tab)

Forcing the title to be single-line

By default, the title of columns found in a Table control is multiline. The option "Force title in a singleline (8)" allows you to go back to the default behavior of version 8.
On the Table controls created with version 8 (or earlier), this option must be unchecked in order to get a multiline column title.

5.5-compatible input mode

With this mode, Table controls behave like in version 5.5. This option is automatically checked if the Table control comes from a migrated WINDEV 5.5 application. This option is available in the "Detail" tab of the Table field description.
This option must not be used for Table controls created with version 7 (or later) of WINDEV.
All the features of the Table controls will be accessible if this option is unchecked. To go back to the behavior of Table controls in WINDEV 5.5, the code of the control must be adapted.
Two types of Table controls are available if this option is checked:
  • editable Table control without selection.
  • non-editable Table control with selection and input (if no column is in edit mode or if the Table control is in selection mode without edit mode).
Reminder: in version 5.5, if the Table field was defined as:
  • as "editable" and if at least one control column was in edit, the selection band was not displayed and it was possible to perform an input in the Table control.
  • as "editable" (or "inactive") and with no column in edit, the user could not perform any input in the Table control but he could modify the position of the selection bar.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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