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Stored procedures
Converts a string or buffer to the specified format: UTF, ANSI, Unicode.
Remark: This function supports UTF-8, UTF-16 Little Endian, UTF-16 Big Endian and UTF-32.
// Convert an ANSI string to a UTF-32 Little Endian buffer
MyAnsiString is ANSI string = "start"
MyBuffer is Buffer = UTFConvert(MyAnsiString, charsetCurrent, charsetUTF32LE)
<Result> = UTFConvert(<String or buffer to convert> , <Source charset> , <Destination charset>)
<Result>: Character string or Buffer
Conversion result:
  • UNICODE string if the destination character set corresponds to charsetUnicode.
  • ANSI string or buffer otherwise.
  • Empty string ("") if there is a conversion error. The ErrorOccurred variable is set to True and the corresponding error message is returned by ErrorInfo.
<String or buffer to convert>: Character string or Buffer
String or buffer to convert.
<Source charset>: Integer constant
Character set of the string or buffer to convert:
charsetCurrentCurrent character set specified with ChangeCharset (charsetOccidental by default).
charsetUnicodeUNICODE character set.
charsetUTF16BEUTF-16 Big Endian character set.
charsetUTF16LEUTF-16 Little Endian character set.
charsetUTF32BEUTF-32 Big Endian character set.
charsetUTF32LEUTF-32 Little Endian character set.
charsetUTF8UTF-8 character set (used in XML, for example).
<Destination charset>: Integer
Character set that will be used to create the resulting string or buffer:
charsetCurrentCurrent character set specified with ChangeCharset (charsetOccidental by default).
charsetUnicodeUNICODE character set.
charsetUTF16BEUTF-16 Big Endian character set.
charsetUTF16LEUTF-16 Little Endian character set.
charsetUTF32BEUTF-32 Big Endian character set.
charsetUTF32LEUTF-32 Little Endian character set.
charsetUTF8UTF-8 character set (used in XML, for example).
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 28
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Last update: 04/05/2024

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