- Properties specific to kbCard variables
- Functions that handle kbCard variables
kbCard (Type of variable) In french: kbCarte
The kbCard type defines all the advanced characteristics of a card in a Kanban control. The characteristics of this card can be defined and changed using different WLanguage properties. The cards correspond to the items displayed in the lists of a Kanban control. These cards can be: - added to a list of a Kanban control (KanbanAddCard).
- passed as parameters to WLanguage events (for example, the "Move a card" event in the Kanban control).
Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MyCard is kbCard
MyCard.Title = "File"
MyCard.Text = "Customer file management"
MyCard.Extra.ID = GetIdentifier()
KanbanAddCard(KANBAN_Scheduler.LIST_ToDO, MyCard)
Properties Properties specific to kbCard variables The following properties can be used to handle a card in a Kanban control: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
ActionAllowed | kbActionAllowed | Action allowed on the card. | Contributor | Character string | Name of the contributor associated with the card. | Date | DateTime | Date and time of the card. By default, this property is initialized with the date and time the card was created. | Extra | Associative array | Associative array to save user information. | Index | Integer | Card priority. Corresponds to the order in the list. To change the priority of a card, use KanbanMoveCard. This property is read-only. | InternalPage | Character string | Name of the internal page to use to display the card. If this parameter is an empty string (""), the default card of the Kanban control will be used. | InternalWindow | Character string | Name of the internal window to use to display the card. If this parameter is an empty string (""), the default card of the Kanban control will be used. | ListName | Character string | Name of the list that contains the card. To move the card to another list, use KanbanMoveCard. This property is read-only. | Text | Character string | Card text. By default, it is Markdown text. | Title | Character string | Card title. | Visible | Boolean | - True if the card must be visible,
- False otherwise.
Remarks Functions that handle kbCard variables The following functions are used to handle kbCard variables:
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