KanbanPositionList (Function) In french: KanbanPositionListe Allows you to scroll through a list of a Kanban control to display a specific card. CardPosition is int
MyCard is kbCard
MyCard.Title = "English"
CardPosition = KanbanInsertCard(KANBAN_Review, LIST_Subjects_to_review, 3, MyCard)
MyKanbanCard is kbCard
MyKanbanCard <- LIST_Subjects_to_review[CardPosition]
KanbanPositionList(LIST_Subjects_to_review, MyKanbanCard)
KanbanPositionList(<Kanban list> , <Card>)
<Kanban list>: Control name Name of the Kanban List control to be handled. <Card>: kbCard variable Name of the kbCard variable that corresponds to the card to be displayed. If the card is not present in the Kanban list, there is no action. Business / UI classification: UI Code
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