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  • Two-factor authentication
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<WBadminAuth variable>.ListApplication (Function)
In french: <Variable adminWBAuth>.ListeApplication
Returns the list of applications on a WEBDEV Application Server, for a given account and a given type.
login is WBAdminAuth
login.ServerAddress = "http://xxxx"
login.User = "myuser"
login.Password = "mypassword"

Applications is array of WBAdminApplication
Applications = login.ListApplication()
FOR i = 1 _TO_ Applications.Count  
<Result> = <WEBDEV Application Server>.ApplicationList([<Owner account> [, <Application type>]])
<Result>: WLanguage array
Array of WBAdminApplication variables containing the list of requested applications.
<WEBDEV Application Server>: WBAdminAuth variable
Name of the WBAdminAuth variable that describes the server and the administrator account used to query the WEBDEV Application Server.
<Owner account>: Optional character string
Name of the owner account whose applications are to be listed. If this parameter is an empty string ("") or "*", all the applications on the server will be listed.
<Application type>: Optional Integer constant
Type of application to list:
WBAdminTypeSiteWEBDEV website.
WBAdminTypeRESTWebserviceREST web services.
WBAdminTypeSOAPWebserviceSOAP web services.

If this parameter is not specified, all application types will be listed.

Two-factor authentication

You can enable two-factor authentication for an account through the Remote WEBDEV administrator. Two-factor authentication requires a unique code to verify the user's identity. This code can be received by email or via an Authenticator app.
When you use WEBDEV Application Server functions, you may encounter authentication errors if the account uses two-factor authentication. Two cases must be taken into account:
  • the function returns a boolean and <Result> is False. To check if it is an authentication error, it is necessary to check the value of the ErrorOccurred variable and the value returned by ErrorInfo.
  • the function does not return a boolean. To determine if the error is due to the authentication process, the following conditions must be met:
To fix this error:
  • Create a window/page where users can enter their verification code.
  • If an error occurs due to two-factor authentication:
    • Open the verification code input window.
    • Users automatically receive the authentication code according to the method chosen in the Remote WEBDEV administrator. They can then enter the code in the window or page.
    • Assign the code to the OneTimePassword property of the WBAdminAuth variable.
    • Run the function again.
Minimum version required
  • Version 2024
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Last update: 07/10/2024

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