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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage syntax / Reserved keywords
  • Special case: the dynamic arrays
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Stored procedures
New is used to allocate memory space to contain:
// Syntaxe 1
TableauClient is array dynamic
// Allocation de ce tableau dynamique
TableauClient = new array dynamic of 4 by 7 int
// Syntaxe 2
MFichier is Class 
	Nom is string
	Extension is string
	Répertoire is string
FichierSource is object MFichier dynamic
// Instanciation de l'objet
FichierSource = new MFichier
// Traitement sur l'objet
// Syntaxe 3
// Création d'un objet automation dynamique
MonObjetDynamique = new object Automation MonServeur
// Syntaxe 4
RefProduit is Structure
	CodeF is int
	CodePr is string fixed on 10

Fauteuil is RefProduit dynamic
Chaise is RefProduit dynamic
Fauteuil = new RefProduit
Fauteuil:CodeF = 7
Fauteuil:CodePr = "Meuble"

Allocate a dynamic array Hide the details

<Nom du tableau dynamique> = allocate a dynamic array of <Dimension 1> [by <Dimension 2>... [by <Dimension 10>]] <Type des éléments du tableau>
<Nom du tableau dynamique> = allocate a dynamic array of <Dimension 1> [, <Dimension 2>... [, <Dimension 10>]] <Type des éléments du tableau>
<Name of dynamic array>:
Name of the dynamic array to be used. This array must have been declared previously.
<Dimension 1>...<Dimension 10>:
Dimensions of the array from 1 to 10 (integer).
<Type of array elements>:
Type of the elements in the array.
  • The keywords un and dynamique are not mandatory: they are approval words.
  • For more details, see Arrays.

Instantiating a dynamic class object Hide the details

<Object name> = new <Class name> ([<Parameters>])
<Object name>:
Name of the class instance.
<Class name>:
Name of the class to instantiate. This name was defined when the class was created in the code editor.
Optional parameters of constructor.
For more details, see Dynamic instantiation of object.

Creating a dynamic automation object Hide the details

<Name of dynamic automation object> = new automation object <Name of automation server>
<Name of dynamic automation object>:
Name of the dynamic automation object to create. This object was declared beforehand.
<Name of automation server>:
Name of the server of dynamic automation object.
For more details, see Dynamic automation object.

Creating a dynamic structure variable Hide the details

<Variable name> = new <Name of dynamic structure>
<Variable name>:
Name of the dynamic structure variable to create.
<Name of dynamic structure>:
Name of a structure that was declared beforehand.
For more details, see Dynamic structure.

Special case: the dynamic arrays

If the dynamic array is declared and assigned in a single line of code, there is no need to use the New keyword to reserve memory space.
For example:
// Déclaration et allocation d'un tableau dynamique
TableauClient is array dynamic of 4 by 7 int

// Est équivalent à

TableauClient is array dynamic
TableauClient = new array dynamic of 4 by 7 int
Remark: In this case, don't use the Delete keyword to explicitly free the dynamic array.. A runtime error will occur if Delete is used.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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