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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage syntax / Reserved keywords
  • Handling the current supercontrol
  • Using MyParent in a procedure
  • Summary
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Stored procedures
MyParent (Reserved word)
In french: MonParent
MyParent is used to handle:
  • The current supercontrol from an element of the supercontrol.
    When running the window, MyParent is replaced with the supercontrol (and not by the name of the supercontrol). Then, MyParent is used like a supercontrol.
    Interest: The MonParent keyword can be used to make the code of supercontrol fields (field, button, ...) or functions associated with the supercontrol independent of the supercontrol name.
  • The current report from one of the report controls.
  • The current window from one of the window controls.
// Code du bouton de sélection
NomFichier = fSelect(fExtractPath(NomFichier, fDirectory), ...
	fExtractPath(NomFichier, fFile + fExtension), ...
	"Sélectionner un fichier", "Tous les fichiers (*.*)" + TAB + "*.*", "")

// La valeur du superchamp correspond au fichier sélectionné
MyParent..Value = NomFichier

Handling the current supercontrol

  • MyParent is always replaced with the current supercontrol. For example, passing a parameter:
  • MyParent can only be used in the processes that handle the current supercontrol (for example, in the processes associated with a control found in the supercontrol, in the procedures associated with the supercontrol, ...).

Using MyParent in a procedure

MyParent can be used in a procedure associated with the current supercontrol. The keyword MonParent then refers to the current supercontrol.


Code where MyParent is usedMyParent corresponds to
window controlwindow
window procedure, with a direct call from a window codewindow
window procedure, with a call via <Window>.<Procedure>window
window supercontrolsupercontrol
control of window supercontrolsupercontrol
procedure of window supercontrol with a direct call from a code of the supercontrolsupercontrol
procedure of window supercontrol with a call via <Supercontrol>.<Procedure>supercontrol
internal windowParent container of internal window (window, internal window, ...)
control of internal windowinternal window
procedure of internal window with a direct call from a code of the internal windowinternal window
procedure of internal window with a call via <InternalWindow>.<Procedure>internal window
supercontrol of internal windowinternal window
control of supercontrol of internal windowsupercontrol
procedure of supercontrol of internal window with a direct call from a code of the supercontrolsupercontrol
procedure of supercontrol of internal window with a call via <Supercontrol>.<Procedure>supercontrol
Remark: This array also applies to pages and internal pages.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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