- Manipulating the controls of the sliding window from the current window
- Limitation
MyRightSlidingWindow (Reserved word) In french: MaFenêtreCoulissanteDroite
MyRightSlidingWindow is used to handle the right sliding window associated with the current window. When running the window, MyRightSlidingWindow is replaced with the window (and not by the name of the window). The MyRightSlidingWindow keyword is then used as a window. Interest: The MyRightSlidingWindow keyword lets you manipulate fields in the right-hand sliding window associated with the current window. MyRightSlidingWindow.ConnectAfter(False) WinSlidingVisible(swRight, True)
Remarks Manipulating the controls of the sliding window from the current window The MyRightSlidingWindow keyword is always replaced by the right sliding window defined for the current window. In the example below, the Color property is used on a Static Text control:
MyRightSlidingWindow.STC_Caption.Color = LightRed
Limitation The MyRightSlidingWindow keyword allows you to access the controls in the sliding window. It can also be used to call the procedures of this window. However, the MyRightSlidingWindow keyword cannot be used to access the variables or properties of the sliding window.