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  • Manipulating the controls of the sliding window from the current window
  • Limitation
  • Bottom sliding window properties
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Stored procedures
The MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword is used to manipulate the bottom sliding window associated with the current window. At runtime, the MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword is manipulated as if it were the actual window, and not only a name that references the window. The MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword is then used as a window.
Interest: The MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword is used to manipulate fields in the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
MyBottomSlidingWindow.HeightCollapsed = 58 // Value in pixels
MyBottomSlidingWindow.HeightHalfExpanded = swFitToContent
MyBottomSlidingWindow.HeightExpanded = 0.9 // 90% 
// Opens the bottom sliding window
WinSlidingVisible(swBottom, swHalfExpanded)

Manipulating the controls of the sliding window from the current window

The MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword is always replaced by the bottom sliding window defined for the current window. In the example below, the Color property is used on a Static Text control:
// Changes the color of a text in the bottom sliding window
MyBottomSlidingWindow.STC_Caption.Color = LightRed


The MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword allows you to access the controls in the sliding window. It can also be used to call the procedures of this window.
However, the MyBottomSlidingWindow keyword cannot be used to access the variables or properties of the sliding window.

Bottom sliding window properties

HeightCollapsedThe HeightCollapsed property gets and sets the "collapsed" height of the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
HeightExpandedThe HeightExpanded property gets and sets the "expanded" height of the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
HeightHalfExpandedThe HeightHalfExpanded property gets and sets the "half-expanded" height of the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
HideableThe Hideable property determines if the user can close a bottom sliding window with a touch gesture.
InternalWindowThe InternalWindow property gets and sets the internal window contained in the bottom sliding window associated with the current window.
ModalThe Modal property determines whether the bottom sliding window associated with the current current window is modal or modeless.
RoundedCornerThe RoundedCorner property allows you to determine whether the bottom sliding window associated with the current window has rounded corners.
Minimum version required
  • Version 2024
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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