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  • Default characteristics of border
  • WLanguage properties that can be used with the Border type
  • Type of line for the border
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Stored procedures
Border (Variable type)
In french: Cadre
The Border type is used to handle a border programmatically. The characteristics of this border can be modified by several WLanguage properties.
A Border type can be used:
  • WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst in the controls of a window (Border property).
  • WINDEV in the cells of a Table control in a window (Border property of cells of Table controls).
  • in the controls of a report (Border property).
    Android Not available.
  • in the drawing functions (dBorder).
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Server code in Excel cells (Border property of cells in an Excel document).
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Server code in the paragraphs of a Word Processing document (Border property on the layout options of docParagraph variables).
Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
// Define the characteristics of the borders for report controls
MyBorder is Border
MyBorder.Color = LightRed
MyBorder.Thickness = 5
// Borders for the NumNbPage control in the report
NumNbPage.Border = MyBorder
// Modify the characteristics of the borders for the NumNbPage control
NumNbPage.Border.Thickness = 1
// Get the characteristics of the borders for the NumNbPage control
MyBorder2 is Border = NumNbPage.Border
// Define the border characteristics
MyBorder is Border
MyBorder.Color = LightRed
MyBorder.Thickness = 5
// Borders for the NumNbPage control in the report
NumNbPage.Border = MyBorder
// Modify the characteristics of the borders for the NumNbPage control
NumNbPage.Border.TopLeftCorner.Width = 2
NumNbPage.Border.TopLeftCorner.Height = 3
// Configures the borders
MyBorder is Border
MyBorder.Color = LightRed
MyBorder.Thickness = 5
// Specific feature of the bottom line
MyBorder.LineBottom.Type = LineDash
MyBorder.LineBottom.Color = DarkRed
// Applies the borders to cell 2, 2 (2nd row, 2nd column)
TABLE_MyTable[2,2].Border = MyBorder
// or
TABLE_MyTable.COL_NoName2[2].Border = MyBorder

Default characteristics of border

By default, a border found in a report has the following characteristics:
  • thickness set to 0. The border is visible if the thickness is greater than 0. The border is invisible if the thickness is set to 0.
  • black.
  • solid line.
  • no rounded corners.
  • all the border edges are displayed.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server code By default, the border of a cell found in an XLS worksheet has the same characteristics. However, the thickness of the line and the rounding of corners are not supported for an XLS cell.
WINDEV By default, in a Table control cell, a border has the following characteristics:
  • thickness set to 0. The border is visible if the thickness is greater than 0. The border is invisible if the thickness is set to 0.
  • transparent.
  • solid line.
  • no rounded corners.
  • no border edge displayed.
To define the characteristics of a border through programming, use the border properties.

WLanguage properties that can be used with the Border type

The following properties can be used to handle Border variables.
Property nameType usedEffect
BottomLeftCornerCharacteristics of the lower-left corner:
  • Width property: width of border corner (real).
  • Height Property: height of border corner (real).
Not supported in XLS cells.
BottomRightCornerCharacteristics of the lower-right corner:
  • Width property: width of border corner (real).
  • Height Property: height of border corner (real).
Not supported in XLS cells.
ColorIntegerBorder color. This color can correspond to:
This property can be used:
  • In edit mode: the color of all the borders changes.
  • In read mode, this property returns:
    • the color of the borders if all the borders have the same color.
    • the ColorUndefined constant if all the borders do not have the same color.
EdgesInteger constantReturns and modifies the presence of edges. This property can correspond to a combination of the following options:
  • BorderNone: the border has no edge.
  • BorderBottom: the border has a bottom edge.
  • BorderRight: the border has a right edge.
  • BorderLeft: the border has a left edge.
  • BorderTop: the border has a top edge.
  • BorderAll: all the border edges are displayed.
LineInteger constantReturns and modifies the type of line for the border (see the next paragraph).
  • In edit mode, modifies the type of line for all borders.
  • In read mode, returns:
    • the type of line for the borders if this parameter is identical for all borders.
    • the TypeUndefined constant if all the borders do not have the same line.
Android The type of line will only be taken into account for frames where all corners are rounded and all edges have the same color and thickness.
LineBottomCharacteristics of the bottom line:
  • Color property: Line color: This color can correspond to an RGB color (returned by RGB), or to a preset color.
  • Thickness property (Real): Line thickness (in millimeters in printouts, and in pixels in graphic functions).
  • Type property (Integer constant): Type of line (see the next paragraph).
    Android The type of line will only be taken into account for frames where all corners are rounded and all edges have the same color and thickness.
Not supported in XLS cells.
LineLeftCharacteristics of the left line:
  • Color property: Line color: This color can correspond to an RGB color (returned by RGB), or to a preset color.
  • Thickness property (Real): Line thickness (in millimeters in printouts, and in pixels in graphic functions).
  • Type property (Integer constant): Type of line (see the next paragraph).
    Android The type of line will only be taken into account for frames where all corners are rounded and all edges have the same color and thickness.
Not supported in XLS cells.
LineRightCharacteristics of the right line:
  • Color property: Line color: This color can correspond to an RGB color (returned by RGB), or to a preset color.
  • Thickness property (Real): Line thickness (in millimeters in printouts, and in pixels in graphic functions).
  • Type property (Integer constant): Type of line (see the next paragraph).
    Android The type of line will only be taken into account for frames where all corners are rounded and all edges have the same color and thickness.
Not supported in XLS cells.
LineTopCharacteristics of the top line:
  • Color property: Line color: This color can correspond to an RGB color (returned by RGB), or to a preset color.
  • Thickness property (Real): Line thickness (in millimeters in printouts, and in pixels in graphic functions).
  • Type property (Integer constant): Type of line (see the next paragraph).
    Android The type of line will only be taken into account for frames where all corners are rounded and all edges have the same color and thickness.
Not supported in XLS cells.
RoundRealValue of rounding for the corners. Corresponds to the radius of rounding.
  • In modification, modifies the rounding of all corners.
  • In read mode, returns:
    • the width and the height of corners if these parameters are identical for all corners.
    • the RoundingUndefined constant if all the corners do not have the same width and height.
Not supported:
  • in the XLS cells.
  • in the prargraphs of Word Processing documents.
ThicknessRealReturns and modifies the thickness of the border (in millimeters in the prints and in pixels in the graphic functions).
  • In edit mode, changes the thickness of all the borders.
  • In read mode, returns:
    • the thickness of the borders if the parameter is the same for all the borders.
    • the ThicknessUndefined constant if all the borders do not have the same thickness.
Not supported in XLS cells.
TopLeftCornerCharacteristics of the upper-left corner:
  • Width property: width of border corner (real).
  • Height Property: height of border corner (real).
Not supported in XLS cells.
TopRightCornerCharacteristics of the upper-right corner:
  • Width property: width of border corner (real).
  • Height Property: height of border corner (real).
Not supported in XLS cells.

These properties can be used:
  • on the Border variable. Example:
    MyBorder is Border
    MyBorder.Color = LightRed
    MyBorder.Thickness = 5
  • on the Border property of the element used.
    // Modify a characteristic of the border for the NumNbPage element
    NumNbPage.Border.Thickness = 1
Remark: The characteristics of a border defined through programming can also be directly assigned to an element:
// Define the border characteristics
MyBorder is Border
MyBorder.Color = LightRed
MyBorder.Thickness = 5
// Borders for the NumNbPage control in the report
NumNbPage.Border = MyBorder

Type of line for the border

The Type property is used to define and get the type of line of the border. The available constants are as follows (caution: the effect of these constants will differ when the border is used in a report or when it is used for a cell in an Excel document).
Android The type of line will only be taken into account for frames where all corners are rounded and all edges have the same color and thickness.
ConstantEffect in ExcelEffect in a reportEffect in dBorder
LineNoneNo line.No line.No line.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters
with the thickness defined in millimeters
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
with the thickness defined in millimeters.
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Exemplo borda
// Blog com video e Exemplo

// Vou Mostrar como Alterar a Borda Via programacao.
// vou Fazer um colando borda na coluna de uma linha
// da tabela

_configura is a Border
_configura..Thickness = 2 // Espessura
_configura..Color = PastelRed // Cor
_configura..LineBottom..Color = DarkRed // Cor Linha Inferir
_configura..LineBottom..Type =LineDash // Tipo Linha

TABLE_indices[3].COL_Valor..Border = _configura
Info("Continua.. Outras Configurações")

//Outras Configurações
_configura..Round=4 // Borda Arredondada

_configura..Line=TraitTiret // Tipo Da Linha

_configura..Edges=BorderBottom // Borda tem somente inferior

TABLE_indices[3].COL_Valor..Border = _configura

De matos
04 Feb. 2017

Last update: 06/21/2024

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