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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The Group property is used to:
  • whether or not the field belongs to a field group. If the control belongs to one or more groups, the Group property can be used to identify these groups of controls.
  • WINDEVUser code (UMC) associating a control with a group of controls.
Reminder: The association of a field to a group of fields is done in the editor when describing the field ("UI" tab, "Group" button).
// Connaître le nom du groupe de champs du champ MonChamp
NomGroupeChamps = MyControl.Groupe
IF Position(BTN_Fermer.Groupe, "Btn_Défaut")>0 THEN
	BTN_Fermer.Etat = Active
// OptionFermer est le nom d'une option de menu
WINDEVUser code (UMC)
// Le groupe "GR_Options" a été créé sous l'éditeur
SAI_Options.Groupe = GR_Options
GR_Options.Visible = False

Finding out the name of the group associated with a control Hide the details

<Group name> = <Control used>.Group
<Group name>: Character string
  • Name of the groups to which the control belongs. If the control belongs to more than one group, the names of the different groups are separated by a comma (e.g., "GR_GROUP1,GR_GROUP2").
  • Empty string ("") if the control belongs to no group.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control for which the groups must be found.
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

Associating a control with a group of controls Hide the details

<Control used>.Group = <Group name>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used.
<Group name>: Character string
  • Name of the group(s) to which the control must be associated. To designate several groups, the names of the different groups must be separated by a comma (for instance, "GR_Group1,GR_Group2").
  • Empty string ("") if the control belongs to no group.
The Group property applies only to:
  • WINDEV the report controls.
  • WINDEV the window controls (including the table columns) and the menu options.
    This property cannot be used with groups of controls, table rows, windows, ...
Java The Group property can only be used in the following controls:
  • Button.
  • Static.
  • Edit control.
  • Image.
  • Check Box.
  • Radio Button.
  • List Box.
  • Combo Box.
  • TreeView.
  • Tab.
  • Table.
  • Table column.
  • Supercontrols.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/04/2024

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