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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
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WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
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Stored procedures
The DisplayedItem property is used to:
  • Find out the item or the variable displayed by the control.
  • Modify the item or the variable displayed by the control.
  • In the report "Opening" event, this property is used to modify the item displayed in a control when the data source of the report is modified through programming (by SourceName for example).
  • If this property is used in the control "Before printing" event, the change will be performed the next time the control is printed (indeed, the item value is already read when running the control "Before printing" event).
  • The displayed item can come from a data file, a view or a query.
  • The stored item or variable is defined in the window or page editor, in the "Content" tab of the control description.
Reports and Queries
// -- Ouverture de l'état
// Changement du fichier de données parcouru
ETAT_Etat1.NomSource = Client 
// Nouvelle rubrique affichée dans le champ "NomCli"
NomCli.RubriqueAffichée = "NomClient"
Reports and Queries
// Changement du fichier de données associé à l'état
// Passage du fichier de données Client au fichier de données Prospect
ETAT_EtatClient.NomSource = Prospect
// Changement de la vue associée à l'état. 
// Cette vue est basée sur le fichier de données Prospect
ETAT_EtatClient.NomVue = MaVueClient84
NomCli.RubriqueAffichée = "NomProspect"
Reports and Queries

Finding out the item/variable displayed by a Table, List Box or Combo Box control Hide the details

<Item/variable currently displayed> = <Control used>.DisplayedItem
<Item/variable currently displayed>: Character string
  • Name of item displayed by the specified control. This item belongs to the data file the control is based on (returned or modified with the BrowsedFile property).
  • Name of variable displayed by the specified control. This name has the following format:
    ":<préfixe><Nom de la variable>"
    ":<Nom de la variable>"
    (the prefix is applied only if the code style is enabled in the project).
    This variable belongs to the variable the control is based on (returned or modified with the BrowsedFile property).
  • For a Table control, list of the names of items or variables displayed by each column. The names of items/variables are separated by the "|" character (AltGr + 6 keys).
<Control used>: Control name
Name of field to be manipulated: Table, List, Image List or Combo.
Reports and Queries

Modifying the item/variable displayed by a Table, List Box or Combo Box control Hide the details

<Control used>.DisplayedItem = <New item/variable>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of field to be manipulated: Table, List, Image List or Combo.
<New item/variable>: Character string
  • Name of item that will be displayed in the specified control. This item belongs to the data file the control is based on (returned or modified with the BrowsedFile property).
  • Name of variable that will be displayed in the specified control. This name has the following format:
    ":<préfixe><Nom de la variable>"
    ":<Nom de la variable>"
    The prefix must be specified only if the code style is enabled in the project (whether or not prefixes are displayed).
    This variable belongs to the variable the control is based on (returned or modified with the BrowsedFile property).
  • For a Table control, list of the names of items or variables displayed by each column. The names of items/variables are separated by the "|" character (AltGr + 6 keys).
Reports and Queries

Finding out the item displayed by a report control Hide the details

<Item currently displayed> = <Control used>.DisplayedItem
<Item currently displayed>: Character string
Name of item associated with the specified control. For a multi-file link, the item name has the following format:
<Nom Fichier1>.<Nom de la rubrique> + TAB + <Nom Fichier2>.<Nom de la rubrique>
This item corresponds to:
  • an item that belongs to the file used as data source for the report (returned or modified by SourceName).
  • an item (or its alias) belonging to the query used as data source of report.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of report control to use.
In a report, this control can be:
  • an Image control,
  • a Bar Code control,
  • an RTF Static Text control,
  • a Static Text control,
  • a Check Box control,
  • a Calculated control.
  • a Spreadsheet control
Reports and Queries

Modifying the item displayed by a report control Hide the details

<Control used>.DisplayedItem = <New item>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of report control to use.
In a report, this control can be:
  • an Image control,
  • a Bar Code control,
  • an RTF Static Text control,
  • a Static Text control,
  • a Check Box control,
  • a Calculated control.
  • a Spreadsheet control
<New item>: Character string
Name of new item associated with the specified control. For a multi-file link, the item name has the following format:
<Nom Fichier1>.<Nom de la rubrique> + TAB + <Nom Fichier2>.<Nom de la rubrique>
This item corresponds to:
  • an item that belongs to the file used as data source for the report (returned or modified by SourceName).
  • an item (or its alias) belonging to the query used as data source of report.


Reports and Queries In a report, the DisplayedItem property applies only to the following controls:
  • Image control.
  • Bar Code control.
  • RTF Static Text control.
  • Static Text control.
  • Check Box control.
  • calculated control.
  • Spreadsheet control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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