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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Defining the items programmatically
  • Population mode
  • Type of a Table control cell
  • Limitation
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The Type property is used to get:
  • the type of element (data file or item) defined programmatically or in the data model editor, view or query.
  • the type of object.
  • the type of data held in a Variant.
    Note To change the type of value stored in a variant, use function VariantConvert.
The Type property defines the type of a dynamic object.
WEBDEV - Browser code This property can only be used to get the type of a control. This property is available only if the new WLanguage framework is enabled. For more details, see Browser code (WLanguage): Framework 2.
MyVariant is Variant = "5"
Info(MyVariant..Type) // Return 19
// Find out the type of "Contact" item
ResType = Customer.Contact.Type
// Find out the type of the Customer data file
ResType = Customer.Type
WEBDEV - Server codePHPAjax
// Find out the type of "Customer" object
ResType = Customer.Type

Getting the type of data held in a Variant Hide the details

<Result> = <Variable used>..Type
<Result>: Integer
Type of data held in the Variant variable:
  • 16 in an ANSI configuration
  • 19 in a Unicode configuration.
Character string
wlInt84-byte signed integer
wlSecurePassword160Secure password
wlReal128-byte real
wlSQLQuery152SQL query
wlAdvancedType111Advanced variable type
wlVariantObject143The Variant contains named subelements.
wlVariantArray142The variant contains the indexed subelements.
wlEmpty0The Variant is empty.
<Variable used>: Variable name
Name of the Variant variable to be used.

Getting the type of a data file or item Hide the details

<Result> = <Object used>.Type
<Result>: Integer constant
  • If a data, view or query file name is specified: Type of file specified:
    hFileAS40054AS400 file
    hFileOther58Other type of file
    hFileClientServer79HFSQL Client/Server file
    hFileHF556Hyper File 5 file
    hFileMySQL72MySQL file
    hFileNormal51Standard file (HFSQL Classic)
    hFileOLEDB60OLE DB file
    hFileOracle61Oracle file
    hFileOracleLite83Oracle Lite file
    hFilePostgreSQL88PostgreSQL file
    hFileProgress77Progress file
    hFileQueryAS40067Query on an AS/400 database
    hFileQueryClientServer80Query on an HFSQL Client/Server database
    hFileQueryMySQL69Query on a MySQL database
    hFileQueryOLEDB64Query on a database accessed via an OLE DB provider
    hFileQueryOracle65Query on an Oracle database
    hFileQueryOracleLite85Query on an Oracle Lite database
    hFileQueryPostgreSQL87Query on a PostgreSQL database
    hFileQueryProgress78Query on a Progress database
    hFileQuerySQLAzure66Query on an SQL Azure database
    hFileQuerySQLServer66Query on an SQL Server database
    hFileQuerySybase76Query on a Sybase database
    hFileQueryXML82Query on an XML database
    hFileSQL50SQL file
    hFileSQLAzure91SQL Azure file
    hFileSQLite89SQLite file
    hFileSQLServer62SQL Server file
    hFileSybase75Sybase file
    hFileTemporary52Temporary file
    hFileXBase53xBase file
    hFileXML81XML file
  • If the name of an item is specified:
    Type of the specified item:
    hItemDate610Date in YYMMDD format
    hItemDate814Date in YYYYMMDD format
    hItemInteger141-byte integer
    hItemInteger232-byte integer
    hItemInteger454-byte integer
    hItemInteger8198-byte integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger1121-byte unsigned integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger292-byte unsigned integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger4224-byte unsigned integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger8208-byte unsigned integer
    hItemGeometry52Geometry in 2D or geographic coordinates
    hItemIDAuto1Automatic identifier (8 bytes)
    hItemIDAuto428Automatic identifier (4 bytes)
    hItemBinaryMemo18Binary memo
    hItemBinaryMemo416Binary memo (4 bytes)
    hItemTextMemo15Text memo
    hItemUnicodeMemo30Unicode text memo
    hItemMultiPoint2D46Multipoint in 2D coordinates
    hItemMultiPointGeo47Multipoint in geographic coordinates
    hItemMultiPolygon2D50Multipolygon in 2D coordinates
    hItemMultiPolygonGeo51Multipolygon in geographic coordinates
    hItemMultiLinestring2D48Multilinestring in 2D coordinates
    hItemMultiLinestringGeo49Multilinestring in geographic coordinates
    hItemNumRec8Record number
    hItemPoint2D40Point in 2D coordinates
    hItemPointGeo41Point in geographic coordinates
    hItemPolygon2D44Polygon in 2D coordinates
    hItemPolygonGeo45Polygon in geographic coordinates
    hItemLinestring2D42Linestring in 2D coordinates
    hItemLinestringGeo43Linestring in geographic coordinates
    hItemReal464-byte real
    hItemReal878-byte real
    hItemRealTurbo13Turbo real
    hItemUnicodeText29Unicode text
    hItemUUID12834UUID 128
    hItemUUID128Auto35UUID 128 automatic identifier
    hItemUUID25636UUID 256
    hItemUUID256Auto37UUID 256 automatic identifier
<Object used>: Object type
Name of the object to be used:
  • data file defined in the data model editor or programmatically,
  • view,
  • query,
  • item defined in the data model editor or programmatically.
WEBDEV - Server codePHPAjaxHFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5OLE DBODBCNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Setting the type of a data file or item defined programmatically Hide the details

<Object used>.Type = <New type>
<Object used>: Object type
Name of the dynamic object used:
<New type>: Constant
  • If a file name is specified: New file type specified:
    hFileAS40054AS400 file
    hFileOther58Other type of file
    hFileClientServer79HFSQL Client/Server file
    hFileHF556Hyper File 5 file
    hFileMySQL72MySQL file
    hFileNormal51Standard file (HFSQL Classic)
    hFileOLEDB60OLE DB file
    hFileOracle61Oracle file
    hFileOracleLite83Oracle Lite file
    hFilePostgreSQL88PostgreSQL file
    hFileProgress77Progress file
    hFileQueryAS40067Query on an AS/400 database
    hFileQueryClientServer80Query on an HFSQL Client/Server database
    hFileQueryMySQL69Query on a MySQL database
    hFileQueryOLEDB64Query on a database accessed via an OLE DB provider
    hFileQueryOracle65Query on an Oracle database
    hFileQueryOracleLite85Query on an Oracle Lite database
    hFileQueryPostgreSQL87Query on a PostgreSQL database
    hFileQueryProgress78Query on a Progress database
    hFileQuerySQLAzure66Query on an SQL Azure database
    hFileQuerySQLServer66Query on an SQL Server database
    hFileQuerySybase76Query on a Sybase database
    hFileQueryXML82Query on an XML database
    hFileSQL50SQL file
    hFileSQLAzure91SQL Azure file
    hFileSQLite89SQLite file
    hFileSQLServer62SQL Server file
    hFileSybase75Sybase file
    hFileTemporary52Temporary file
    hFileXBase53xBase file
    hFileXML81XML file
  • If a field name is specified: New type of the specified field:
    Type of the specified item:
    hItemDate610Date in YYMMDD format
    hItemDate814Date in YYYYMMDD format
    hItemInteger141-byte integer
    hItemInteger232-byte integer
    hItemInteger454-byte integer
    hItemInteger8198-byte integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger1121-byte unsigned integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger292-byte unsigned integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger4224-byte unsigned integer
    hItemUnsignedInteger8208-byte unsigned integer
    hItemGeometry52Geometry in 2D or geographic coordinates
    hItemIDAuto1Automatic identifier (8 bytes)
    hItemIDAuto428Automatic identifier (4 bytes)
    hItemBinaryMemo18Binary memo
    hItemBinaryMemo416Binary memo (4 bytes)
    hItemTextMemo15Text memo
    hItemUnicodeMemo30Unicode text memo
    hItemMultiPoint2D46Multipoint in 2D coordinates
    hItemMultiPointGeo47Multipoint in geographic coordinates
    hItemMultiPolygon2D50Multipolygon in 2D coordinates
    hItemMultiPolygonGeo51Multipolygon in geographic coordinates
    hItemMultiLinestring2D48Multilinestring in 2D coordinates
    hItemMultiLinestringGeo49Multilinestring in geographic coordinates
    hItemNumRec8Record number
    hItemPoint2D40Point in 2D coordinates
    hItemPointGeo41Point in geographic coordinates
    hItemPolygon2D44Polygon in 2D coordinates
    hItemPolygonGeo45Polygon in geographic coordinates
    hItemLinestring2D42Linestring in 2D coordinates
    hItemLinestringGeo43Linestring in geographic coordinates
    hItemReal464-byte real
    hItemReal878-byte real
    hItemRealTurbo13Turbo real
    hItemUnicodeText29Unicode text
    hItemUUID12834UUID 128
    hItemUUID128Auto35UUID 128 automatic identifier
    hItemUUID25636UUID 256
    hItemUUID256Auto37UUID 256 automatic identifier

Getting the type of a control (in a window or page), table cell, group of controls, window or page Hide the details

<Result> = <Object used>.Type
<Result>: Constant
Type of the specified object.
typActiveX17ActiveX control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typOrganizer76Organizer control
typScrollbar18Scrollbar control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typAttribute41Attribute of a Looper control
typSlidingBanner122 Sliding Banner control
typNavigationBar117Navigation Bar control
typToolbar22Toolbar control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typToolbox29Sidebar control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typButton4Button control
New in version 2025
148Segmented Button control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP
Not available.
typCalendar47Calendar control
typCaptcha82Captcha control
typMap92Map control
typCarousel37Carousel control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typStatusBarBox40002Cells of a status bar
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typCell50014Cell control
typCellCSSGrid147Cell control in a CSS Grid field.
typNavigationBarCell115Cell control in a Navigation Bar control.
typCellLayout127Cell in a Layout control
Linux Not available.
typCellFlexBox139Cell of a FlexBox control.
typCellPageLayout84Cell control used for the Zoning layout.
typFormattedControl50001Formatted display control
typHTMLControl50002HTML control
typMenuControl50007Menu of a WEBDEV page
typContextMenuControl141Context menu in a WEBDEV page
typBreadcrumb50011Breadcrumb control
typClick30001Clickable Image control (Image control with the "This image is a clickable area" option).
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP
Not available.
typBarCode26Bar Code control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typColumn56Table column
typComboWE10001Editable Combo Box control
typComboNE10002Non-editable Combo Box control
typWebComponent121Web Component control
typConference25Conference control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typNativeContainer125Native Container control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typCube38Cube control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typDate20002Date Edit control
typLayout126Layout control
Linux Not available.
typDuration20006Duration Edit control
typDiagramEditor130Diagram Editor control
Not available.
typCodeEditor146Code Editor control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeLinuxPHP
Not available.
typHtmlEditor134HTML Editor control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeLinuxPHP
Not available.
typImageEditor124Image Editor control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeLinuxPHP
Not available.
typMobileImageEditor138Mobile Image Editor control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeWindowsLinuxPHP
Not available.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP Not available.
typInternalWindow31Internal Window
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code Not available.
typWire118Wire control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeLinuxPHP
Not available.
typFlash50008Flash control
typFlex48Flex control
typShape20Shape/Drawing control
typGantt110Gantt Chart column (Table or TreeView Table control).
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typChart33Chart control in a window or page
typGrp58Group of controls
typTime20003Time Edit control
typHTML23HTML static
typIFrame50013IFrame control
typImage8Image control
typCheckBox5Check Box control
typSwitch132Switch control
typProgressBar10Progress Bar control
typInfiniteProgressBar113Infinite Progress Bar control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP Not available.
typJava50004Java control
typKanban140Kanban control
Not available.
typPDFReaderPDF Reader control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeLinuxPHP
Not available.
typStatic3Static Text control
typHTMLStatic50006HTML Static control
typLink50005Link control
typSocialLink103Social Network control
typHorizontalRule50003Line control
typList7List Box control
typListView27ListView control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typKanbanList142Kanban List control
Not available.
typMapArea50010Clickable Image control
typControlTemplate43Control Template control.
typCurrency20005Currency Edit control
typMultimedia39Multimedia control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code Not available.
typRating85Rating control
Not available.
typRepositionableNote119Repositionable Note control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typNum20004Numeric Edit control
typOle15OLE control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typTab16Tab control
typSwitchOption133Option of a Switch control
typMenuOption40001Menu option
typOrganizationChart86Organization Chart control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP
Not available.
typPeelingCorner79Peeling Corner control
typInternalPage31Internal page
typPanel131Dockable Panel control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typSlidingBannerPlane123Plane associated with a Sliding Banner control
typSiteMap45Site Map control
typPopup90Popup page
typSlider12Slider control
typRangeSlider72Range Slider
typRotativeSlider13Round Slider
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typRangeSlider72Range Slider control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typPager50009Pager control
typRibbonGroupRibbon group
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typRibbon87Ribbon control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typBreakBreak in a Looper control
typSelect6Radio Button control
typSplitter28Splitter control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typSilverlight46SilverLight control
typSpin11Spin control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typTable9Table control
typPivotTable102Pivot Table control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP
Not available.
typDashboard111Dashboard control
typTreeviewTable35TreeView Table control
typSpreadsheet114Spreadsheet control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typText20001Text Edit control
typDrawer34Drawer control
typWordProcessing120Word Processing control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typTreeMap74TreeMap control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typTreeView19TreeView control
typUpload73Upload control
Not available.
typVideo78Video control
Not available.
typThumbnail50012Thumbnail control
typWebCam24Web Camera control
typXaml36Xaml control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code
Not available.
typMultilineZone97Multiline Zone control
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeWindowsLinux
Not available.
typLooper30Looper control
typLinearLooper77Linear Looper control
typRichTextArea109Text Area control
<Object used>: Object type
Name of the object (window control, page control, table cell, group of controls, page or window) to be used.
WEBDEV - Server codeAjaxHFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5OLE DBODBCNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Defining the items programmatically

When describing items in the code (Item Description type), the Type property must be used for all items, except for "Composite key" items. For this type of items, use the KeyExpression property.
For Time items, the Size property must be used to define the item format (2, 4, 6 or 8-character Time). For Combination or Enumeration items, use the TypeDescription property to define the type used by the item.
The following types can be programmed using the HDescribeFile function:
hFileAS400AS400 file
hFileNormalStandard file
hFileOracleOracle file
hFileSQLServerSQL Server file
hFileSybaseSybase file
hFileXBasexBase file
hFileXMLXML file

Attention: For WINDEV Mobile, only the following types are available:
hFileNormalStandard file
hFileOracleOracle file
hFileSQLServerMobileSQL Server Mobile file
WEBDEV - Server codePHPAjax

Population mode

To determine how a Table, List Box or Combo Box control is populated (programmatically, with data from a data file or variable), use the FillType property.
WEBDEV - Server codePHPAjax

Type of a Table control cell

When used on a Table control cell, the Type property is used to get the type of the column that contains the cell.


For controls in a window or page, the Type property cannot be used on:
  • an option in a Check Box or Radio Button control,
  • a row in a Table or Combo Box control,
  • a row in a List Box control,
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
This page is also available for…
56 is Looper attributes AND Table column ?
09 May 2017

Last update: 12/06/2024

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