InterfaceModifiableWithReportsAndQueries (Property) In french: InterfaceModifiableAvecEtatsEtRequêtes
The InterfaceModifiableWitReportsAndQueries property is used to determine if the interface of a report can be modified in Reports & Queries. However, you cannot delete one or more controls from this report. Remarks: - This feature is defined in the editor, in the report description ("Options" tab in the description window, "Allow editing report in Reports and Queries" and "Edit interface only").
- The AllModifiableWithReportsAndQueries property is used to determine if the entire report can be edited in Reports & Queries.
- For more details, see Reports & Queries.
// Interface of the report modifiable in Reports & Queries? IF MyReport.InterfaceModifiableWithReportsAndQueries = True THEN // WINDEV mode? IF InWindowsMode() = True THEN // Open the report in Reports & Queries RunReportsAndQueries(MyReport) ELSE Info("The interface of this report can be modified in Reports & Queries") END ELSE Info("The interface of this report cannot be modified in Reports & Queries") END
<Result> = <Report used>.InterfaceModifiableWithReportsAndQueries
<Result>: Boolean - True if the interface of the specified report can be modified in Reports & Queries,
- False otherwise.
<Report used>: Report name Name of the report to be used.
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