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Stored procedures
Constants for encryption/compression

ConstantDetailUsed by the following functions
compressGZIPThe string will be compressed with the GZIP algorithm.Compress
compressLZWThe string will be compressed before it is encrypted.Compress,
compressNoneNo compression is performed.Compress,
compressShortStringThe string will be compressed via an algorithm optimized for the short character strings.Compress,
crypt3DESEncryption algorithm used: Triple Data Encryption Standard.
  • Size of key: 192 bits.
  • Size of blocks: 64 bit.
  • Size of initialization vector (IV): 64 bit.
EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptAES128Encryption algorithm used: Advanced Encryption Standard.
  • Size of key: 128 bits.
  • Size of blocks: 128 bits.
  • Size of initialization vector (IV): 128 bits.
EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptAES256Encryption algorithm used: Advanced Encryption Standard.
  • Size of key: 256 bits.
  • Size of blocks: 128 bits.
  • Size of initialization vector (IV): 128 bits.
EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptAnsiThe encryption is identical to the one performed in a WINDEV or WEBDEV application. Useful for the applications that encrypt in WINDEV Mobile and that decrypt in WINDEV for example.Encrypt, Decrypt
cryptCBCProcess mode of blocks by the encryption algorithm: Cipher Block Chaining - Sequence of blocksEncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptCFBProcess mode of blocks by the encryption algorithm: Cipher Feedback - Feedback encryption. EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptCTRProcess mode of blocks by the encryption algorithm: Cipher Counter - Encryption based on a counter. EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptDESEncryption algorithm used: Data Encryption Standard.
  • Size of key: 64 bit.
  • Size of blocks: 64 bit.
  • Size of initialization vector (IV): 64 bit.
Caution: this algorithm is currently deprecated.
EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptECBProcess mode of blocks by the encryption algorithm: Electronic Code Book - Dictionary of codes. This operation mode is not recommended and it should only be used for compatibility reasons.EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptFastFast encryption (algorithm on 128 bits)Encrypt, Decrypt, fEncrypt, fDecrypt
cryptNoneNo encryption is performedEncrypt, Decrypt, fEncrypt, fDecrypt
cryptPaddingOAEPMode for filling the encrypted data in order to be compatible with the size required by the encryption algorithms by block: The data is filled with bytes whose value corresponds to the total number of bytes added to reach the requested size.EncryptAsymmetric, DecryptAsymmetric
cryptPaddingPKCS1Mode for filling the encrypted data in order to be compatible with the size required by the encryption algorithms by block: The data is filled with bytes whose value corresponds to the total number of bytes added to reach the requested size.EncryptAsymmetric, DecryptAsymmetric
cryptPaddingPKCSMode for filling the encrypted data in order to be compatible with the size required by the encryption algorithms by block: The data is filled with bytes whose value corresponds to the total number of bytes added to reach the requested size.EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptPaddingZeroMode for filling the encrypted data in order to be compatible with the size required by the encryption algorithms by block: The data is filled with binary zeros until the requested size is reached.EncryptStandard, DecryptStandard
cryptRC516Priority given to encryption security (RC5 algorithm on 16 rounds).Encrypt, Decrypt, fEncrypt, fDecrypt
cryptSecureSecure encryption (RC5 on 128 bits).Encrypt, Decrypt, fEncrypt, fDecrypt
encodeBASE64Format of encrypted string or file: BASE64. The encoded text contains printable characters only.Encrypt, Decrypt,
fEncrypt, fDecrypt,
Encode, Decode
encodeBASE64NoCRBASE 64 format (complies with RFC 4648 standard) without RCs (Carriage Returns). The encoded text contains printable characters only.Encode, Decode
encodeBASE64URLFormat of encrypted string or file: BASE 64 URL. The encoded text contains printable characters only.Encode, Decode
encodeBASE85Format of encrypted string or file: BASE 85. The encoded text contains printable characters only.Encode, Decode
encodeNoneFormat of encrypted string or file: Binary.Encrypt, Decrypt, fEncrypt, fDecrypt
encodePCSFormat of encrypted string or file: ASCII. The encoded text contains printable characters only.Encrypt, Decrypt,
fEncrypt, fDecrypt,
Encode, Decode
encodeURLFromAnsiFormat of encrypted string or file: URL. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The text to encode is an ANSI string.Encode
encodeURLFromUnicodeFormat of encrypted string or file: URL. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The text to encode is a Unicode string.Encode
encodeURLFromUTF8Format of encrypted string or file: URL. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The text to encode is a UTF-8 string.Encode
encodeURLParameterFormat of encrypted string or file: URL. The reserved characters of a URL are encoded in order to pass a URL as parameter to another URL.
Caution: The URL passed as parameter must have been encoded with the encodeURLFromAnsi, encodeURLFromUnicode or encodeURLFromUTF8 constant.
encodeURLToAnsiFormat of encrypted string or file: URL. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The decoded text is an ANSI string.Decode
encodeURLToUnicodeFormat of encrypted string or file: URL. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The decoded text is a Unicode string.Decode
encodeURLToUTF8Format of encrypted string or file: URL. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The decoded text is a UTF-8 string.Decode
encodeUUEncodeFormat of encrypted string or file: UUEncode. The encoded text contains printable characters only.Encrypt, Decrypt,
fEncrypt, fDecrypt,
Encode, Decode
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/02/2023

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