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The various WEBDEV functions are as follows:
ASPDisplayCalls an external ASP script and returns the result page in the current browser window.
ASPExecuteCalls an external .asp script and returns the result in a string.
CapsLockVerifyChecks whether the CapsLock key is pressed.
CertificateClientInfoReturns information about the certificate used by the client computer.
ColorPaletteReturns a color found in the current palette.
ConnectionCountReturns the number of instances of the WEBDEV site currently run on the server.
DynamicServingConfigureIndicates the environment that will be used by the "Dynamic Serving" to choose the set of pages to display.
ExecuteDelayedProcedureRuns a delayed procedure (in the WEBDEV Application Server).
FileDisplayDisplays a file in the user's browser.
New in version 2025
Starts file download by browser.
New in version 2025
Opens a file in the browser.
FolderDataFolderData is kept for backward compatibility.
FolderWebReturns the path of the directory containing:
  • the images,
  • the JavaScript files,
  • the Java applet files,
  • the other files accessible from the browser.
FolderWeb_15Caution: when migrating a project from WEBDEV 1.5 to WEBDEV 17:
  • FolderWeb was replaced with FolderWeb_15.
  • a warning is automatically generated in your project.
HTMLClassAddAdds a class into the HTML classes of a control.
HTMLClassDeleteDeletes a class from the HTML classes of a control.
HTMLClassToggleToggles a class in the HTML classes of a control: the class is added if it does not exist, the class is deleted if it already exists.
jQueryRuns a JavaScript method (or several chained methods) of the jQuery library on a page element.
jQueryExecuteRuns a JavaScript method of the jQuery library on a page element.
JSEndEventDeletes the association between a WLanguage browser function and an event (implemented by JSEvent).
JSEventAssociates a browser procedure with an event on an object in browser code.
JSInfoEventUsed to handle the JavaScript properties of the browser event that triggered the code execution.
JSInterruptEventInterrupts the process of current event.
JSMethodUsed to run a JavaScript method on an element found in the current page.
JSONExecuteCalls the URL of a page on the server that returns data in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation).
JSONExecuteExternalCalls an external server URL that returns data in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation).
JSPropertyUsed to handle specific features on the objects found in the current page.
PHPDisplayCalls an external PHP script and returns the result page in the current browser window.
PHPExecuteCalls an external .php script and returns the result in a string.
ScriptDisplayCalls an external script or page (.php, .asp, .mhtml or.mht) and returns the result page in the current browser window.
ScriptExecuteCalls an external script (.asp or .php) and returns the result in a string.
SessionHeartBeatEnableEnables or disables the "heartbeat" of the current session.
SessionPrologueEnables or disables a WLanguage procedure called on each request in a session.
SessionRequestedPageReturns the name of the page requested at the start of the session.
SSLActiveUsed to enable or disable the secure SSL mode.
StringDisplayReturns a specific string (or a buffer) to the client browser in response to a request.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/27/2024

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