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Stored procedures
DeleteShortcut (Function)
In french: SupprimeRaccourci
Deletes a shortcut previously created by CreateShortcut from the Windows desktop, from the "Start" menu of Windows or from a specific directory.
// Creates the "Test" shortcut for the "C:\Test\Test.exe" program
// on the desktop, with Ctrl-Alt-A as shortcut
CreateShortCut(shortcutDesktop, "Test", "C:\Test\Test.exe", "", swsNormal, "A")
DeleteShortCut(shortcutDesktop, "Test")
// Create the shortcut in "Start/Programs/Accessories"
CreateShortCut(shortcutProgram, "Test", "C:\Test\Test.exe", "Accessories", swsNormal, "A")
DeleteShortCut(shortcutProgram, "Test")
<Result> = DeleteShortCut(<Location> , <Name> [, <Path>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the shortcut was deleted,
  • False if a problem occurred.
<Location>: Integer constant
Relative location of the shortcut path:
(Default value)
Shortcut on the Windows desktop.
In Windows Vista, the application that deletes the shortcut must have an administrator manifest.
shortcutFreeShortcut in the directory specified by <Path>.
shortcutProgramShortcut in the "Start .. Programs" menu of Windows.
In Windows Vista (and higher), the application removing the shortcut must have an administrator manifest.
shortcutQuickLaunchShortcut in the quick launch bar (Windows 98 and later).
shortcutStartShortcut in the "Start" menu of Windows for all the computer users.
shortcutStartupShortcut in the "Start .. Programs .. Startup" menu of Windows for all the users of the computer.
shortcutUserDesktopShortcut on the Windows desktop for the current user of the computer.
shortcutUserProgramShortcut in the "Start .. Programs" menu of Windows for the current user of the computer.
shortcutUserStartShortcut in the "Start" menu of Windows for the current user of the computer.
shortcutUserStartupShortcut in the "Start .. Programs .. Startup" menu of Windows for the current user of the computer.
<Name>: Character string
Name of shortcut.
<Path>: Optional character string
Directory relative to the <Location> from where the shortcut must be deleted. If <Location> = shortcutFree, the path is absolute.

If this parameter is not specified or if it corresponds to an empty string (""), the shortcut will be deleted from the specified <Location>.
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/04/2023

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